Sustainable Energy Systems Int’l H 2 Safety Conf, Pisa, Italy, 8-10 Sep European Initiatives in the field of Hydrogen Safety, Regulations, Codes and Standards Pisa, Italy, 8-10 September 2005 Angel PEREZ SAINZ European Commission, Directorate-General Research Marc STEEN Institute for Energy European Commission, Directorate-General Joint Research Centre
Sustainable Energy Systems Int’l H 2 Safety Conf, Pisa, Italy, 8-10 Sep Presentation outline EU energy policy context The EU Framework Programmes (FP) for Research and Technology Development Projects on hydrogen safety in FP5 and FP6 European Hydrogen and Fuel Cell Technology Platform – H 2 safety, IG-RCS Energy Research in FP7
Sustainable Energy Systems Int’l H 2 Safety Conf, Pisa, Italy, 8-10 Sep The European Commission The European Union (EU) oa treaty-based political association of European countries odefines and manages economic and political cooperation among its members. oFrom May 1st 2004, the EU includes 25 member countries and 450 million people. The European Commission (EC) othe executive arm of the EU institutions and embodies the general interests of the EU. oproposes policies and legislation and implements the measures approved by the governments of the member states, represented in the European Council, and by the European Parliament. oIts responsibilities include policy areas such as trade, competition, agricultural policy and economic development, but also research, public health and humanitarian aid.
Sustainable Energy Systems Int’l H 2 Safety Conf, Pisa, Italy, 8-10 Sep EU Energy Policy Context
Sustainable Energy Systems Int’l H 2 Safety Conf, Pisa, Italy, 8-10 Sep EU Policy Context Drivers: Security of EU energy supply Reduction of EU greenhouse gases and pollutant emissions (Kyoto and beyond) Improve EU industrial competitiveness Means: Improve energy efficiency, reduce energy intensity Increase share of renewable energy Develop diversified energy supply mix
Sustainable Energy Systems Int’l H 2 Safety Conf, Pisa, Italy, 8-10 Sep Public funding of H2/FC RD&D in Europe RD&D on H2/FC activities in Europe is funded at different levels: EU, national and regional. The main instrument for EU funding is the RTD&D Framework Programme (FP). The overall public budget of EU, national and regional programmes is estimated to be more than 160 Mio € per year; industry budgets are even larger. Up to recently the EU R&D efforts were relatively dispersed, fragmented and lacking a clear overall common strategy: -Hydrogen and Fuel Cell Technology Platform -Hydrogen and Fuel Cell Coordination (HY-CO) as ERA-NET project
Sustainable Energy Systems Int’l H 2 Safety Conf, Pisa, Italy, 8-10 Sep EU Support to Fuel Cell and Hydrogen R&D in Framework Programmes 275 M€
Sustainable Energy Systems Int’l H 2 Safety Conf, Pisa, Italy, 8-10 Sep Total EC Contribution ~275 M€ FP6 Budget Breakdown for H2/FCs H2 production 15% H2 Storage 8% H2 distribution 4% Pathways and socio- economic analysis 9% Safety, RC&S 4% High Temperature FC - basic research 6% Low Temperature FC- basic research 8% Stationary and portable applications 6% Transport applications (including FC hybrid vehicles) 17% Validation and demonstration 18% JRC 5%
Sustainable Energy Systems Int’l H 2 Safety Conf, Pisa, Italy, 8-10 Sep Main dedicated projects on H2 safety & RCS in FP5 ProjectCoordinator Duration (months) EC fundingEmphasis EIHP2LBST(B) 36 (finished) ~ 2.3 M€ Input for RCS at EU and global level - safe development of H2 vehicles on roads - refuelling station ELEDRIVEAVERE (B) 36 (finished) ~ 0.7 M€ To create synergies at EU level to accelerate the deployment of FC vehicles, including recommendations for legislation and standardisation FCTESTNET * VDI(D)/JRC 36 (about to finish) ~ 2.5 M€ Development and harmonisation of FC testing protocols
Sustainable Energy Systems Int’l H 2 Safety Conf, Pisa, Italy, 8-10 Sep Main dedicated projects on H2 safety & RCS in FP6 * submitted, ** pending submission for IPHE recognition
Sustainable Energy Systems Int’l H 2 Safety Conf, Pisa, Italy, 8-10 Sep Consortium ● 24 partners from 12 Eur. Countries, 1 from Canada ● 12 public research organisations, 7 industrial partners, 5 universities Main Goals Contribute to a safe transition to a sustainable development in Europe by facilitating the safe introduction of hydrogen technologies / applications Strengthen and focus, integrate fragmented research on hydrogen safety competitive scientific and industrial community NoE qualifiers Lasting integration of R&D capacities Long-term, multidisciplinary objectives ….
Sustainable Energy Systems Int’l H 2 Safety Conf, Pisa, Italy, 8-10 Sep DistributionFires and Explosions Mitigation Risk Analysis RC&S Production Transport Refuelling Other Vehicles Portables Street Vehicles Application Risk Control Preliminary Ranking HySafe – Activity Matrix
Sustainable Energy Systems Int’l H 2 Safety Conf, Pisa, Italy, 8-10 Sep DistributionFires and Explosions Mitigation Risk Analysis RC&S Production Transport Refuelling Other Vehicles Portables Street Vehicles Application Risk Control HySafe – Action Plan on H2 safety Outcome: Experimental databases for hydrogen safety analyses Validated analytical and numerical tools for assessment of safety Experimentally validated mitigation techniques and safety devices Innovative hydrogen mitigation technologies Methodologies for risk evaluation Improved technical culture to handle hydrogen as an energy carrier Inputs to European/global regulatory and standardization activities
Sustainable Energy Systems Int’l H 2 Safety Conf, Pisa, Italy, 8-10 Sep HySafe - main outcomes Organisation of the First International Conference on Hydrogen Safety Preparation of the 1st edition of the Biennial Report on Hydrogen Safety including the Handbook on Hydrogen Safety Curriculum for Professional Education (safety engineers) Setting up Hydrogen Incidences and Accidents Database CFD codes validation, benchmarking and integration of test facilities Integrated Programme of Activities: - IgnHyd: project to study ignition and to derive a probabilistic ignition model - HyTunnel, expert study of available mitigation measures (ventilation, spray,…) for large scale accidental releases - insHYde, addressing most realistic releases in (partially) confined areas (acceptable limits, sensors, ventilation, standards,…) Proposed activities: - HyGuide: Deriving suitable, comparable and common Q-D rules for the new H2 applications (refuelling, home,…) - Training, open summer school on H2 safety
Sustainable Energy Systems Int’l H 2 Safety Conf, Pisa, Italy, 8-10 Sep HFP CEN StorHy Zeroregio NATURALHY HySafe links with other initiatives North America Japan Russia ISO IEA HyApprovalCUTEetc… IPHE
Sustainable Energy Systems Int’l H 2 Safety Conf, Pisa, Italy, 8-10 Sep HARMONHY - Harmonization of Standards and Regulations for a sustainable H2/FC technology Main objective: To render European collaboration in the field as effective as possible and to increase its contribution at the worldwide level Approach: make an assessment of the activities on H2/FC related regulations and standards on a worldwide level identify gaps and make propositions to solve fragmentation identify conflicts between codes, standards and regulations and make propositions to solve them Consortium: 12 participants from 5 EU countries, 1 from NO and 1 from Canada- 5 industrial partners, 3 research organisations
Sustainable Energy Systems Int’l H 2 Safety Conf, Pisa, Italy, 8-10 Sep HYAPPROVAL - Handbook for Approval of Hydrogen Refuelling Stations Main objectives: To develop a Handbook (HB) facilitating the approval of hydrogen refuelling stations (HRS), which can assist companies and organisations in their implementation and operation, and to contribute to the international standard in ISO TC197 Approach The HB will be based on best practices to be derived from key EU demonstration projects (CUTE, ZERO-REGIO, ECTOS, CEP) Safety work in HyApproval will identify minimum requirements for which no supporting technical data exist (e.g. safety distances, etc.), Strong cooperation between Hyapproval and Hysafe (simulation work, safety studies, safety « review ») Consortium: 25 partners from 8 EU countries, including 11 industrial partners, 10 research organisations, 4 regulatory institutions. Outside EU partners : NREL (US), Dalian Institute (China), ENAA (Japan)
Sustainable Energy Systems Int’l H 2 Safety Conf, Pisa, Italy, 8-10 Sep FCTESTQA Fuel Cell Testing, Safety and Quality Assurance Main objectives: Pre-normative research, benchmarking, validation through RRT of harmonised, industry-wide test protocols and testing methodologies of FC, stacks and systems Approach: Risk assessment of the system, component or procedure Definition of safety issues and necessary tests Identification, validation and benchmarking of recommended methods Consortium: 30 partners from 7 EU countries, including 18 research organisations and 10 industrial partners. 2 partners from China, 1 from Korea, 1 from Japan, 1 from US.
Sustainable Energy Systems Int’l H 2 Safety Conf, Pisa, Italy, 8-10 Sep CUTE/ECTOS- demonstration of 30 FC buses- 10 EU cities Safety associated to H2 infrastructure, production, distribution, refuelling, maintenance VIRTUAL FUEL CELL POWER PLANT - development, installation and testing of a VFCPP with decentralized fuel cell microCHP systems- 58 microCHP in 7 EU countries Safety concepts, sensors, testing methods for CHP, installation requirements Other major FP5 demo projects with safety components
Sustainable Energy Systems Int’l H 2 Safety Conf, Pisa, Italy, 8-10 Sep Other major FP6 projects with safety components NATURALHY - H2/natural gas mixes using existing pipeline network Safety issues related to transmission, distribution and end use of mixes (e.g. pipeline durability and integrity) STORHY - Development of safe and efficient on-board vehicle storage system Improvement of safety equipment, safety evaluation of design and approval, crash behaviour ZEROREGIO - Development of H2 infrastructure systems and demonstration of H2 in FC car fleets Safety issues related to HP (850 bar) H2 pipeline, hydrogen compression and refuelling infrastructure FLAMESOFC - Development of innovative micro SOFC-based CHP system Safety issues, HAZOP analysis, component and system certification
Sustainable Energy Systems Int’l H 2 Safety Conf, Pisa, Italy, 8-10 Sep JRC efforts on hydrogen safety high pressure gas storage solid state & hybrid storage sensor testing safety modelling Own R&D projects in networking mode with EU-projects and stakeholders Feed-in to RCS International outreach: IPHE RCS, IEA Task 19 Security aspects
Sustainable Energy Systems Int’l H 2 Safety Conf, Pisa, Italy, 8-10 Sep Numerical modelling of accident scenarios (gas release and distribution, explosions) NON-NUCLEARNUCLEAR Hydrogen accidents in: Nuclear reactors Tunnels and urban streets Refuelling stations Pipelines application to H2 SOURCE TERM GAS DISTRIBUTION cloud formation influence wind stratification (mitigation techniques) GAS EXPLOSIONS laminar flame turbulent acceleration detonation (damage predictions)
Sustainable Energy Systems Int’l H 2 Safety Conf, Pisa, Italy, 8-10 Sep EU Harmonisation of Risk Assessment for Different H 2 Applications to contribute to development of pre-normative guidelines for determination of safety distances and hazardous zones, and input to regulatory issues. to include the hydrogen dimension into an EU-wide consistent comparison of risk information and risk communication (Energy Risks Monitor (ERMON)) EU Hydrogen Incident and Accident Database (HIAD) a classical "lessons learnt from accidents" type of database does not work for the case of HIAD to collect information on H2 related events from open sources, and provide easily accessible, reliable and unbiased information on incidents/accidents
Sustainable Energy Systems Int’l H 2 Safety Conf, Pisa, Italy, 8-10 Sep Elements of a European Strategy for H2&FC High Level Group H2 and FCs ( ) - Vision report : “Hydrogen energy and Fuel Cells – A vision of our future” European Hydrogen and Fuel Cell Technology Platform (January 2004) involving main stakeholders Elaboration of two foundation documents: “Strategic Research Agenda” and “Deployment Strategy” – Endorsed in March 2005 at Platform General Assembly Strategic Overview of the above 2 documents – March 2005 FP7 ( ) –Hydrogen Joint Technology Initiative
Sustainable Energy Systems Int’l H 2 Safety Conf, Pisa, Italy, 8-10 Sep The H2/FC Technology Platform: Structure and Participants Participants: Research Community, Industry, Public Authorities, Financial Community, Users and Consumers, Civil Society Platform Operations: General Assembly On-going and future projects, networks and initiatives, supported by EC, national and regional programmes Steering and support structures: Advisory Council (and Executive Group), Steering Panels and Initiative Groups, Member States’ Mirror Group, Commission Inter-service Hydrogen Project Team Secretariat
Sustainable Energy Systems Int’l H 2 Safety Conf, Pisa, Italy, 8-10 Sep SRA Foundation document - The SRA recommends a prioritised, 10- year research programme, a medium- term strategy up to 2030 and a long- term strategic outlook up to Safety is considered as a very important issue to be part in all R&D efforts - it is treated as “cross- cutting” to all applications and technologies - Specific safety R&D needs are also identified.
Sustainable Energy Systems Int’l H 2 Safety Conf, Pisa, Italy, 8-10 Sep Specific R&D needs from SRA on Hydrogen Safety 1.Safety monitoring including sensors 2.Hydrogen leakage detection in CGH2 systems 3.Core components for refuelling stations 4.Novel materials, safety studies for metal hydride storage 5.“Fail-safe” methods to handle hydrogen boil-off 6.Risk assessment and design of components 7.Computational tools for safety studies 8.Evaluation of social impacts (potential poor safety perception of H2)
Sustainable Energy Systems Int’l H 2 Safety Conf, Pisa, Italy, 8-10 Sep Technology Platform recommendations H2 safety and RCS The H2/FC Technology Platform has produced a preliminary action plan to address the R&D needs identified in the SRA to establish a EU harmonised standardisation and regulatory framework for the safe operation of hydrogen & fuel cell systems, with the following main steps: develop handbooks/codes of best practice for the safe introduction of H2 establish a formal process / task force for assessing due diligence as regards safe use of hydrogen in projects, especially demonstration actions assimilate and structure knowledge from pre-normative research, safety dedicated projects and demonstration activities enhance international co-operation to secure globally compatible infrastructure and equipment Key EU projects of international added value are being recognised by IPHE for potential collaboration
Sustainable Energy Systems Int’l H 2 Safety Conf, Pisa, Italy, 8-10 Sep Research related to hydrogen safety will be implemented under the following topics: Research to develop permitting guides for the installation of stationary H2/FC systems, to remove non-technical barriers and safety barriers Enhancement of int’l cooperation dimension of running FP6 H2/FC related projects, to stimulate cooperation and exchange through IPHE framework NOTE: call to be officially opened end of September Call FP Energy-4 M-L research activities
Sustainable Energy Systems Int’l H 2 Safety Conf, Pisa, Italy, 8-10 Sep th FRAMEWORK PROGRAMME Building the ERA of Knowledge for Growth Energy Research in FP7
Sustainable Energy Systems Int’l H 2 Safety Conf, Pisa, Italy, 8-10 Sep themes : 1.Health 2.Food, Agriculture and Biotechnology 3.Information and Communication Technologies 4.Nanosciences, Nanotechnologies, Materials and new Production Technologies 5.Energy 6.Environment (including Climate Change) 7.Transport (including Aeronautics) 8.Socio-Economic Sciences and the Humanities 9.Security and Space Cooperation – Collaborative Research
Sustainable Energy Systems Int’l H 2 Safety Conf, Pisa, Italy, 8-10 Sep Hydrogen and fuel cells Renewable electricity generation Renewable fuel production CO2 capture and storage technologies for zero emission power generation Smart energy networks Energy savings and energy efficiency Knowledge for energy policy making Clean coal technologies Renewables for heating and cooling FP 7 Proposed Priority Topics in Energy
Sustainable Energy Systems Int’l H 2 Safety Conf, Pisa, Italy, 8-10 Sep FP7 proposes concept of a Joint Technology Initiative (JTI) for H2/FC Public-Private-Partnership with an appropriate legal, governance and management structure – leveraging funding from various sources Strong industrial participation in shared management of integrated RTD and demonstration activities, based on the research and deployment strategies developed in the Technology Platform Supporting a European Energy Research Area Developing outreach at international level Capitalising on results of FP5 and FP6
Sustainable Energy Systems Int’l H 2 Safety Conf, Pisa, Italy, 8-10 Sep From Technology Platform to Joint Technology Initiative (JTI) EIB Private Investment Structural funds National Programmes
Sustainable Energy Systems Int’l H 2 Safety Conf, Pisa, Italy, 8-10 Sep Staying Informed Energy Research at Europa General information on the Sixth Framework Programme Next Call for proposals Energy helpdesk Towards FP7 HFP Technology Platform Joint Research Centre JRC Institute for Energy
Sustainable Energy Systems Int’l H 2 Safety Conf, Pisa, Italy, 8-10 Sep THANK YOU !!!