1/6/02Gyulassy-1 The Space-Time Puzzle at RHIC  Instead of slowly burning QGP Log Dt~ R/v def >>R  Evidence for Sudden freezeout Dt << R !  Amazingly.


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Presentation transcript:

1/6/02Gyulassy-1 The Space-Time Puzzle at RHIC  Instead of slowly burning QGP Log Dt~ R/v def >>R  Evidence for Sudden freezeout Dt << R !  Amazingly independent of 1< KE cm < 100 AGeV  Yet there is Huge v 2 ~0.15 out to 6 GeV, transverse flow, hadro equilibration, pbar > pi-, …

1/6/02Gyulassy-2 AGS-SPS-RHIC Pion Interferometry Central AuAu (PbPb) Why saturation? Why no rise in space or temporal homogeneity? STAR Preliminary

1/6/02Gyulassy-3 Amazingly Weak Energy dependence R out and R side are energy independent within error bars. Smooth energy dependence in R long No immediate indication of very different physics Fit R long to: AGS: A = /-.05 SPS: A = /-.10 RHIC: A = /-.03 -- M. Lisa et al., PRL 84, 2798 (2000) R. Soltz et al., to be sub PRC C. Adler et al., PRL 87, I.G. Bearden et al., EJP C18, 317 (2000)

1/6/02Gyulassy-4 HBT radii at 2 AGeV M. Lisa

1/6/02Gyulassy-5 Images of  - -emitting sources (scaled ~ x10 14 ) 3 fm x ’ y 2 AGeV x z  S =47° x ’ y 4 AGeV x z  S =37° x ’ y 6 AGeV x z  S =33° Large, positive tilt angles similar to naïve overlap: b~5 fm

1/6/02Gyulassy-6 PHENIX and STAR at RHIC Amazing! Hydro+UrQMD Soff, Bass, Dumitru (PRL 86)

1/6/02Gyulassy-7 R out /R side vs. k T at AGS

1/6/02Gyulassy-8 PION INTERFEROMETRY OF QUARK - GLUON PLASMA. By S. Pratt (Minnesota U.) Published in Phys.Rev.D33: ,1986 PION INTERFEROMETRY IN ULTRARELATIVISTIC HEAVY ION COLLISIONS. G. Bertsch, M. Gong, M. Tohyama, Phys.Rev.C37: ,1988. Why we expected more R out >>R side ? t x QGP Hadron Gas Combustion Theory Van Hove (83) GKMS (84) Deflagration (Q->H Burn Front) v def ~d H /4d Q D t~R/v def Q out Q side IFF

1/6/02Gyulassy-9 D. Rischke, MG, NPA 613(97)397 Continuous Cross Over vs First Order Bag Model Equation of State QGP EOS

1/6/02Gyulassy-10 D. Rischke, MG NPA 613(97)397 The QGP Stall D T=0P= e /3 e 0 =20 GeV/fm 3 evolved with hydro QGP Stall t ~R

1/6/02Gyulassy-11 P= e /3 D T/T c =0 D. Rischke, MG, NPA 613(97)397 Pratt-Bertsch C pp (q side,q out ) D T/T c =0.1 Side Out q side q out

1/6/02Gyulassy-12 pp R out /R side D. Rischke, MG NPA 613(97)397 D T=0 D T=T c /10 P= e /3 QGP->Resonances QGP-> Pions

1/6/02Gyulassy-13 QGP->Resonances QGP-> Pions Effect of Rapid Thermalization T f =T c NULL Solutions!!

1/6/02Gyulassy-14 long-lived dissipative hadronic phase dominates correlation signal  dissipative hadronic phase: unavoidable consequence of thermalized QGP IF strong incoherent resonance dynamics applies Soff, Bass, Dumitru nucl-th/ Dissipative Hadronic FSI distort pion lenses

1/6/02Gyulassy-15 B.R. Schlei (QM 99) nucl-th/ Predicted

1/6/02Gyulassy-16 See D. Teany, E. Shuryak The Thorn in Hydro’s side

1/6/02Gyulassy-17 Useful cartoon showing why HBT in AA is not easy to unfold MANY 8D x m -p n correlated geometries give same HBT radii P.Kolb, U. Heinz

1/6/02Gyulassy-18 P.Kolb, U. Heinz Hydro (x,y,t,K) Correlated Geometries

1/6/02Gyulassy-19 Denes Molnar’s Parton Cascade Diffuse correlated geometries R side R out R long R out <R side is possible x out x side

1/6/02Gyulassy-20 Fits are NOT explanations but convenient summary of data

1/6/02Gyulassy-21 Corrections P.Filip ?? Are Systematic Experimental Errors Under Control?

1/6/02Gyulassy-22 More work on Coulomb correction needed Better to show Uncorrected data and compare to corrected theory ! P.Filip

1/6/02Gyulassy-23 Systematic Theory HBT Errors p x Classical Transport Theory Wigner Wavepacket See also S. Pratt … Padula,Gavin MG NPB 329 (90) 357

1/6/02Gyulassy-24 D. Teany, E. Shuryak Given Hydrodynamic HBT is surprisingly good agreement with R out,side ! However, R long is tooo longg!

1/6/02Gyulassy-25 New Attemps at sudden hadronization: Non-equilib Polyakov L(A) V(L) But does this really solve Rlong Is short? U.Heinz Is it consistent with small e-b-e fluctuations?

1/6/02Gyulassy-26 Closing Remarks: (Sorry no time for Event-by-Event fluct) RHIC HBT has posed a serious thorn in theory side V2, flow, hadron ratios are consistent with EULER hydro up to pT~2 GeV, but hydro fails at AGS, SPS Yet HBT pattern is ~uniform in energy High pt>2GeV tails reveal jet quenching through very dense opaque matter Yet hadronization is of short duration (only marginally consistent with hydro Rout,side) Bjorken flow seems dead with short Rlong! Is Landau resurrecting? Are we on wrong hydro/transport track? Non-equilib classical fields? Inhomogeneous turbulence? Also need to go back to basics and review HBT assumptions