Contest Quality Training Diana Patton District Contest Quality Chair
Contest Quality Training Goals of Contest Quality Chair Work closely with Lt. Governor Education & Training and District Chief Judge to continually improve contest and judging process. Provide necessary documents (contest forms, sample fliers, agendas, etc.) in organized format to conduct contest. Forms/information will be available on resource CD which will be provided to Area Governor, Division Governors and clubs. Encourage club contests. Work to improve participation at Area level contests (contestants, helpers, attendance). Be a support/resource for Area Governors, their Contest Assistants and clubs regarding contest planning and implementation.
Contest Quality Training Skills required/developed: Leadership Consider using this as your High Performance Leadership project (HPL) towards completing of ALS Contest planning meets requirements for several roles toward completing projects in CL manual Organization Time Management Event Planning Budgeting
Contest Quality Training Purpose of Contests: Opportunity for proficient speakers to gain contest experience Interesting educational programs for members and the public Allow those Toastmasters who are not participating in the contest to learn by observing proficient speakers
Contest Quality Training What makes a great contest? Lot of contestants-it’s all about them! Lots of members and guests attending Upbeat atmosphere POTS (Plain Old Toastmasters – club members!) filling key roles Keep things moving along-try to keep to 2 hours at most!
Contest Quality Training Rules Be sure copy of current contest rulebook is available at contest. Rules will be covered in Contest Judge and Chief Judge Training. Contest Chair needs to be familiar with rules. Be familiar with reasons for disqualification: Originality – speech content Eligibility – Must be member in good standing of a club in good standing.
Contest Quality Training Types of Contest: Humorous Tall Tales Speech Evaluation Table Topics International (only contest that progresses past District) Always in Spring Requirement – 6 manual speeches from CC
Contest Quality Training Delegate Responsibilities Area/Division Governor Contest Assistants Involve clubs in planning/implementation
Contest Quality Training Date Selection Contest dates to be selected at District Training One contest for each Area/Division Normally two weeks between last Area and first Division contest Normally two weeks between last Division Contest and Conference Day of Week Thursday evening Friday evening Saturday Morning – 8:00AM-12:00PM Mid-day – 12:30 PM-4:30 PM Evening – 5:00 PM-9:00 PM
Contest Quality Training Contest Location Selection Resource CD provides locations of past contests Free location is best! Location within your geographic area recommended. Easily located/minimal security issues
Contest Quality Training Theme Selection (optional) Use date of contest to determine theme (Halloween, Valentine’s Day, Super Bowl) Use decorations from past event to select theme Suggestions from club officers/members Look at themes of past contests (resource CD)
Contest Quality Training Club Involvement First Area Council Meeting work through details of contest. Best to hold first meeting in July! Club to Host and/or each club have specific assignment (flier/agenda, refreshments, location, etc.) Encourage clubs to have club contest or at minimum select contestant for each contest.
Contest Quality Training Contest Flier Date to have flier completed for posting will be announced – August 1 Preparation instructions and samples on resource CD. Contest Agenda Preparation instructions and samples on resource CD.
Contest Quality Training Roles & Responsibilities Document on resource CD with roles & responsibilities. Key Roles (see handout): Contest Chair Toastmaster Contestants Judges Helpers (get helpers from clubs if at all possible) Vote/ballot counters, timers, Sergeant at Arms Registration, greeters, etc. Judges District Chief Judge assigns Contest Chief Judge Contest Chief Judge selects contest judges (details covered in Judges training)
Contest Quality Training Refreshments (optional) Keep it simple yet nice! Suggestions: Pot luck Each club or host club bring food Donation from each club to cover expenses
Contest Quality Training Certificates Template for certificates available on resource CD. Participation – contestants Appreciation Chief Judge Judges (responsibility of Contest Chief Judge) Helpers Test Speaker Outstanding Service –Outstanding Officers (District Awards Chair to discuss)
Contest Quality Training Trophies Area Contest: District to furnish 1 st and 2 nd place trophies for each Area Contest (new District 25 policy 7/1/2008). If 3 rd place is awarded, Area to provide certificate Division: District to furnish 1 st, 2 nd and 3 rd place trophies. Announcing Winners: Third place winner is announced if 5 or more contestants. First place winner is announced last. CONTEST IS ADJOURNED IMMEDIATELY AFTER WINNERS ARE ANNOUNCED.
Contest Quality Training When contest is over – be proud of a job well done!