Blogs and Feeds and the Government, Oh My! Jodi Carlson Heather Tompkins Amy West September 28, 2006
Social software enables people to rendezvous, connect or collaborate through computer-mediated communication and to form online communities. -- Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia. Internet Internet Instant Messaging (IM) Instant Messaging (IM) Blogs Blogs Photo-sharing sites Photo-sharing sites RSS Feeds/Readers RSS Feeds/Readers Social Bookmarking Social Bookmarking Wikis Wikis Browser Extensions Browser Extensions Online Software Online Software Podcasting Podcasting
Outline for this afternoon Broad categories of uses Broad categories of uses –Professional Development –Collaboration –Curricular Applications Tips for Finding and Evaluating Tips for Finding and Evaluating Tools we Love Tools we Love Discussion Discussion
Professional Development Keeping Current
Professional Development Sharing Expertise
Collaboration Preparation for this panel done via Yahoo! conference chat. Preparation for this panel done via Yahoo! conference chat.
Collaboration Using Instant Messaging for VR Using Instant Messaging for VR Trillan Pro— Trillan Pro— Meebo Meebo
Collaboration Trillian basic or Trillian Pro can be used monitor multiple IM accounts. Meebo can also be used and it is web-based.
Teaching and Learning Group Projects
Teaching/Learning Course Prep
Teaching/Learning Outreach
Teaching and Learning cont. IM reference complements individual appointments and reference desk. IM reference complements individual appointments and reference desk. Online calendars visible by students and faculty. Online calendars visible by students and faculty.
Teaching and Learning
Don’t Forget the Fun… Hobbies, recreation, other personal interests. Hobbies, recreation, other personal interests. Plan for vacations. Plan for vacations. Keep in touch with friends. Keep in touch with friends. Great way to start experimenting. Great way to start experimenting.
Trip Planning
Just Because
Tips for Finding and Evaluating Monitor sites and blogs that frequently post information about new applications and tools Monitor sites and blogs that frequently post information about new applications and tools –ResearchBuzz, ResourceShelf, Search Engine Watch, Slashdot, lots of others Ask other people what they are using Ask other people what they are using
Tips for Finding and Evaluating Work preferences Work preferences Computer use Computer use Privacy Privacy Physical Environment Physical Environment Preferences Preferences
Tools We Love! –hard to get in right now Google tools Google tools –includes , calendar, homepage widgets, page creator, spreadsheet software –online flowchart software Firefox/Thunderbird extensions Firefox/Thunderbird extensions –ColorZilla, FeedReaders, Web Developer Tools
More Tools We Love! Furl and Furl and Chat clients Chat clients –GTalk, Yahoo, Meebo, In house tools In house tools –databases driving web sites