Darsebury June - Lolly ACTAR
Darsebury June - Lolly Si – TOF/ Active Target Si - PSD Si – DE-E Si/CsI - Tracking SPIRAL2 NuStar A 50 keV resoln target option Si - detectors
Darsebury June - Lolly Sum Numbers Proton at 2 MeV in Si Range ~ 50 µm C 3 H mg/cm² = Resoln ~ 50 KeV Resoln ~0.3° Protons 30 MeV Range 5 mm Si Protons at 2 MeV (0.15 MeV) in H 2 1 atm Range 32 cm (0.42 cm) H 2 gas 10 cm = Resoln 40 KeV (30 keV) N e = 125e - /mm (750e - /mm) Resoln ~ 2° Protons 30 MeV Range 45,000 mm
Darsebury June - Lolly Dynamic range for p or alphas x10 to x20 Resolutions for Bragg (Z & A) is approx 15% for Micromegas – is this enough for Z resoln. Can we get 40keV resoln in energy? What is the resoln. that we request.
Darsebury June - Lolly Large angle scattering: No magnet option. Estimates on Range of p in H 2 Thresh at 1 Atm ~ 0.5 MeV Thresh at 0.1 Atm ~ 0.1 MeV target Gamma detection possible 50 cm
Darsebury June - Lolly Gamma detection in coincidence with low energy recoils IPN ORSAY
Darsebury June - Lolly Small angle scattering No magnet option. Estimates on Range of p in H 2 Thresh at 1.0 Atm ~ 0.5 MeV Thresh at 0.2 Atm ~ 0.1 MeV target 50 cm
Darsebury June - Lolly T2K SEDI CEA Saclay
Darsebury June - Lolly TPC for T2K Micromegas chosen as gas amplifier –30x30 cm² ie 1400 of 0.8x0.8cm² Saclay is responsible for the FEE electronics. Namely ASIC + Front-end board+ADC ASIC T2K has 72 channels ie 20 chip/micomegas System slow 20Hz – needs trigger Micromegas : Micro Mesh Gaseous Detector
Darsebury June - Lolly Some Info Gain options – 120, 240, 360, 600fC Shaping times - 0.1, …, 2µs
Darsebury June - Lolly
Needs Need to check the gain and dynamic range Shaping time – drift time of H2 might be too long for high pressure. Limitation approx 2µsec. Need to have a post doc for 12 to 18 months. ACTAR test set-up option ~ July 2007 –Order immediately?
Darsebury June - Lolly 100 e - /mm deposit gain from gas amplifier e- /mm = 16 – 160fC/mm Micromegas Micromegas Spatial resolution
Darsebury June - Lolly MWPC, GEM & Micromegas Performances MWPCGEMMicromegas Rate capability10^4Hz/mm^2>5x10^5Hz/mm^210^6Hz/mm^2 GainHigh 10^6low 10^3 (single) > 10^5 (multi GEM) High > 10^5 Gain stabilityDrops at 10^4Hz/mm^2 Stable over 5*10^5Hz/mm^2 Stable over 10^6Hz/mm^2 2D Readout ?Not reallyYes and flexibleYes, not flexible Position resolution> 200 µm (analog) 50 µm (analog)Good < 80 µm Time resolution~ 100 µs< 100 ns Magnetic Field effectHighLow CostExpensive, fragileCheap, robust