Welcome to GT5 Wormholes Time machines and Energy conditions Chairperson Dr. Mark Hadley MG11 Berlin
GT5 Schedule
Would Einstein have come to this session?
GT5 + Einstein = χ Causality cannot be violated
Bell’s Inequalities 1963 Aspect’s Experiments GT Einstein = God goes not play dice √
Dr Mark Hadley Time machines and quantum theory
Explaining Quantum Theory Bell’s Inequalities Aspect’s EPR Experiments We cannot explain quantum theory with any local hidden variables theory. We cannot model particles as 3-D solutions [of GR] that evolve in time.
Evolving 3-manifolds… Prepare a beam of electrons Stern Gerlach X Y
Spin measurement Venn diagram of all 3-manifolds X↑X↑ X↓X↓ Y←Y←Y→Y→ X↑ Y→ X↓ Y→ X↓ Y← X↑ Y← All manifolds consistent with the state preparation X↑ Y→ X↓ Y→ X↓ Y← X↑ Y← but, {X↑ Y→} does not exist in theory or experiment.
Geometric models We cannot model particles as 3-D solutions that evolve in time. Need context dependence/ Non-locality Non-trivial causal structure as part of a particle: 4-geon
Spin measurement {X↑ Y→} = ∅ √ X↑X↑ X↓X↓ Y←Y← Y→Y→ State preparation x-measurementy-measurement Sets of 3 manifolds Incompatible boundary conditions
Quantum Logic Quantum theory is characterised by an orthomodular lattice of propositions – a non- Boolean logic. so is GR with a acausal space times. The only known way to represent experimental probabilities on such a lattice is using subspaces of a Hilbert space.
Testing the orientability of space
Testing the orientability of time ?
Testing the orientability of time
Acausal manifolds Mathematical and physical descriptions of a space time are not the same Space-time +The observer +The experiments +The results....are all interlinked Quantum theory gives a consistent description of such an interlinking.
GR may be the unifying theory after all
Einstein Rosen Bridge is not time-orientable Einstein Rosen bridge: Phys Rev 48, 73 (1935)
Other results from non time- orientable manifolds Electric, but not magnetic chare from source-free Einstein-Maxwell equations Diemer and Hadley Class. Quantum Grav. (1999) Explains spin half Hadley Class. Quantum Grav. (2000)
4-geon Non-trivial causal structure as part of the particle. Particle and its evolution are inseparable. Context dependent –Signals from the “future” experimental set up. –Measurement can set non-redundant boundary conditions (Time reversal is part of a measurement)
A gravitational explanation for quantum theory Aims to explain –QM –Particle spectrum –Fundamental interactions Predictions –No graviton (Gravity waves are just classical waves) –Spin-half –Parity is conserved