Kappa Delta Phi National Affiliated Sorority Student Calendar Project
Background Analysis ΚΔΦ NAS was incorporated in Fort Kent, Maine in Since that historical year, ΚΔΦ NAS has molded itself into a constantly growing scholastic group of women who’s number one goal is to give back to the community.
Philanthropy Is great for our organization, but is not very profitable, and often times drains our bank account. Therefore, our objective is to create a profitable fundraiser and raise at least $1,000 profit.
The Kappa Calendar Will be Placed for sale on our National Website, in a market of 3,000 others in ΚΔΦ N.A.S. The Kappa Sisters will sell calendars. They will also be sold at the bookstore, local stores, and gas stations. It will be released for the next Academic Year, and will outfit the years of It will include scenic pictures of the Fort Kent Area, the University, and the Kappa Sisters. It will have monthly coupons available for students from businesses around town. The calendar will also be in the form of a personal planner. ·
Objectives Raise a minimum of $3,000 using Coupon sales approach. Raise a minimum of $1,500 using Advertisement sales approach. Get at least half of our materials donated.
Objectives $ total budgeted for Paper Goal = $ $ total budgeted for Bindings Goal = $ $49.98 total budgeted for Ink Goal = $50.00
Objectives Cover all estimated cost before production date Total Estimated Cost: $2, Budget Amount desired before production = $2, Raise at least $2,000 from the sale of our Calendars after covering any other costs.
Other measures taken General Approach Constraint identification Personnel Needs Responsibility Assignment Matrix (pg. 9) Risk Analysis (pg 10)
Qualitative and Quantitative Risk Assessment Located on page 11 and 12 Both show that this project has a medium risk
Risk High Risk 1. Inability to maintain scheduled time constraints Moderate Risk 2. Inability to stay within our budget constraints 3. Inability to fulfill talent capability 4. Inability to meet sales goal Low Risk 5.Editorial Constraint 6. Data Collection Constraint
Mitigation Strategy 1. Implement strategies finding slack time, and critical paths in order to follow the tightest constraints possible. 2. Do multiple budget breakdowns in order to find the best possible options. Work on donations also. 3. Take a personality test that can help me place you where you will be the most effective. 4. Implement strategy in order to meet sales goal. 5. Communicate early in order to fit this constraint into slack time or add a project buffer. 6. Have to generate other ways of finding information. Via internet, library.
Cost Estimates Time phases Budget Work Packages NovDecFebMarchAprilMayTotals Design 1 $5.00 $10.00 Final Design $5.00 $10.00 Material allocation $2, Miscellaneous expenses $50.00 $ Total $2,555.48
Material Budget Located on page 14 Total for Paper, Bindings, and Ink = $2,435.48
Other important means Activity Duration tables page 15 Microsoft project schedule update
In Conclusion This is a project that will ultimately benefit the sorority. It is very low cost, even without the help of business and material donation. This project has medium risk, and a feasible project schedule and fits within all of our constraints.
Let’s check it out… Calendar project