Cytotoxicity and Uptake of Nanoparticles in Cells Courtney Rister Faculty Advisors: Virginia Ferguson Conrad Stoldt Department of Mechanical Engineering University of Colorado, Boulder
October 15, 2004 Introduction to Research Presentation 2 Objective How does nanoparticle presence affect cellular function and behavior? Little is known on how they interconnect with cytoskeleton Long term goals Which nanoparticles are most efficient? What is the best way to deliver the nanoparticles?
October 15, 2004 Introduction to Research Presentation 3 Background Uses of magnetic nanoparticles in bioengineering Therapeutic Hyperthermia Drug Delivery Diagnostic Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR)
October 15, 2004 Introduction to Research Presentation 4 Methodology Perform cell cultures with Mammalian SaOS-2 cells Obtain either Magnetite or Gadolinium nanoparticle cells Encapsulate nanoparticles in liposomes Prevents formation of large aggregates and increases biocompatibility Introduce nanoparticles to SaOS-2 cells and record effect
October 15, 2004 Introduction to Research Presentation 5 Requirements TEM (Transmission Electron Microscope) BioServe equipment & supplies Cells Culture media and facilities
October 15, 2004 Introduction to Research Presentation 6 Timeline Oct.Nov.Dec.Jan.Feb.MarchAprilMay Literature Review Initial Project Design Cell Cultures Finalize Project Plans Finalize Experiment al Plans Perform Experiments