FILM FUNDING IN BELGIUM A short overview Thierry LECLERCQ – MEDIA Desk Belgium -CFB
Singing the praises of complexity ?
The cultural side Centre du Cinéma et de l’Audiovisuel (CCA) Vlaams Audiovisueel Fonds (VAF)
The industrial side Wallimage : +/- € 3.5 m - production using Wallon talent and technicians - audiovisual service companies (HD, sound, editing, postproduction)
The industrial side Film commissions : - Locations and logistics - Film permits
The fiscal side Tax Shelter : Investments in Av production against tax savings 150% spent in Belgium Equity & Loans 50% of the total budget max
The broadcasters side 2003 broadcasting decree Investment in coproduction/presales RTBF : €3.6 m (2007) BE TV : €3.2 m MCM : €54,000
The European side 2007 : 14 Belgian coproductions (9 majority Belgian) 2007: €1.5 m in development/ financing/ production
Promotion, contacts, networking an official agency for the promotion of the export of the audio-visual sector in the Wallonia-Brussels community.
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