Your Personal Responsibility B.E. Pruitt, Ed.D. Texas A&M University
Defining Health Health A state of complete physical, mental, and social well-being World Health Organization’s (WHO) recognition of health as a measure of well-being and not simply the absence of disease established a new paradigm. The WHO definition has become a guidepost for health promotion worldwide.
Defining Health Holistic Health The concept of health involving physical, mental, emotional, social, spiritual, and environmental aspects of an individual as well as of the community. Taking a holistic approach to your health means that the whole is greater than the individual parts.
Defining Health
Wellness A description of health that includes the human potential for a high level of well-being while taking into consideration environmental and personal limitations This concept of wellness goes beyond the WHO definition by viewing one’s personal health potential on a illness/wellness continuum.
Defining Health
Becoming Healthy You become healthy through developing healthy behaviors. This assumes that you are healthy and that you move to a stronger position of health by taking health-promoting actions. You become more healthy through behavior change. You undergo a change in lifestyle or take specific actions that result in a healthier state.
Becoming Healthy Health Knowledge The accumulation of factual information that influences health decision making.
Becoming Healthy Health Skills Abilities that influence health development, health status, and health maintenance. Health skills are categorized as: Motor skills Intellectual skills Emotional skills Social skills
Becoming Healthy Health Behavior Consists of actions and habits that may lead either to enhancement and protection of a person’s health status or to its decline Preventive Behavior consists of actions taken by a person who is essentially healthy in order to remain healthy. Illness Behavior consists of actions taken by a person who has reason to believe that he or she is not well. Sick-Role Behavior consists of actions taken by a person who has been diagnosed as sick.
Assessing Your Personal Health Self-Assessment occurs when an individual collects and interprets his/her own health-related baseline data. Establish a baseline (what is “normal” for you) through periodic assessments. Medical Assessment is conducted by a medical professional and focuses on diagnosing a disease or other medical condition.
Assessing Your Personal Health Self-Assessment Self-assessment involves the observation of three crucial markers: Body temperature Pulse rate Body weight
Assessing Your Personal Health Medical Assessment Three different assessments used by medical professionals are: Health History: includes a variety of measures including past and current diseases, injuries, other health-related experiences, allergies, tetanus status, family history. Physical Examinations: through auscultation (listening) and palpation (touching), a physician can discover abnormalities that indicate the likelihood of disease. Laboratory Tests: involve examining materials taken from the body, such as blood and urine.
Assessing Your Personal Health Defining Health Risks Health Risks refer to the likelihood of having a certain health condition. Risk Factors are conditions or habits that put a person in danger of negative health occurrences; identified as modifiable (controllable) or not modifiable (uncontrollable).
Assessing Your Personal Health Keeping Good Health Records Establish an accurate and accessible record-keeping system that includes: Vaccination record Disease diagnoses Prescriptions Health-promoting activities: Exercise schedule (how much, how often) Dietary record (fat intake) Sleep patterns
Establishing a Personal Health Style Health Style The sum of health knowledge, health skills, and health behavior. Health style is most easily observed in personal health decisions.
Establishing a Personal Health Style Health Value Something of importance that is related to health Health Attitude A behavioral intention concerning health, usually expressed in positive or negative terms Health Belief A health-related concept thought to be true whether supported by evidence or not Health Momentum A perception of movement toward or away from good health that results from decisions and health behaviors of the past
Establishing a Personal Health Style
Prevention: The Best Alternative Prevention Taking health-promoting action to reduce the risk of disease and injury
Prevention: The Best Alternative Preventive Behaviors Positive actions that consistently contribute to a healthier and longer life. They include six behaviors: 1. Avoid the use of tobacco. 2. Exercise on a routine basis. 3. Maintain normal body weight. 4. Drink alcohol in moderation. 5. Practice safer sex. 6. Wear a seat belt.
Prevention: The Best Alternative Your health is your responsibility. Acting responsibly involves: Common-sense decisions made by a health-literate person The use of health skills that develop with practice Health behaviors that enhance rather than compromise health