Travel Advisory 2006 Claire Bellanti Director, Library Financial and Enterprise Services 2007
Why Travel Policies? IRS regulations govern many of the rules on how much a business traveler may be reimbursed and for what expenses If policy not followed, in some cases the reimbursement is regarded as taxable income for the traveler by the IRS and is reported by UCLA
Registering for a Conference or Class When possible, register at least 5 weeks in advance of due date through Linda Taketomo, who will issue a University check to the organization Take advantage of the fact that several people will usually be registering for ALA, the MLA’s, SLA, etc. We sometimes get a discount for early registration. Plan ahead!
Registration Reimbursement Two requirements for reimbursement: - Copy of the registration form - REQUIRED -(hint: screen print when you register on line) - Proof of payment -Could be form letter, , credit card receipt, etc. -Must indicate amount and how the fee was paid -Ask the organization for a receipt if necessary - Please get these yourself, do not ask your travel preparer to do it for you
Transportation Book all flights through UCLA Travel Center - required Use most economical form of transportation available If you choose to travel by train or car, the reimbursed cost of hotels, meals and transportation cannot exceed the cost of the airfare --- get air quotes at same time so you have documentation Original receipts required
Multi-Purpose Trips Combined Business or Development and Personal trips Before you book anything, UCLA travel must price and provide documentation for each leg of the trip. If you are adding a personal component to your trip, you must book flight through UCLA Travel pay with personal funds be reimbursed later for the University portion
Weekends Normally return the same day the conference or class ends, unless flight would be difficult late in the day If you choose a Saturday stay-over (and the conference has not ended or begun on the weekend), obtain alternate airfare information without the Saturday stay-over to show proof of lower air fare
Car Rental Original receipt required Use UCLA Travel for car rental Good corporate rates Includes insurance automatically (You won’t be reimbursed for insurance if you pay extra for it.)
Lodging Policy If lodging site is within 50 mile radius of traveler’s residence, it is not reimbursable. If you have a valid reason, LBS must request a policy exception in advance; call Claire.
Hotel Receipts Required Hotel receipt must be original receipt and show a zero balance Express Checkout receipt is not adequate! It won’t show zero. If you need to use Express Checkout, call the hotel when you get home and get a copy of the final bill to submit along with original. Internet Hotel Expediters (Expedia, Travelocity, etc.) cannot provide itemized hotel receipts. Don’t use them! If you do, LBS can’t fix it for you.
Meals Meals are reimbursed based on actual cost incurred Receipts are not required; use quick travel form Limit is $64 per day, includes meal tips, tips for housekeeping, baggage, etc. THIS IS NOT PER DIEM, please submit only the amounts you actually paid. Campus has told us to start requiring receipts if people appear to be using this amount as a per diem.
Meals, 2 To be reimbursed for meals you must be on travel status for 12 hours, when gone for less than 24 hours. Rate is maximum of $42 Be sure to record when you leave your home and when you arrive back home.
Incidentals Also Reimbursable Taxi and associated tips Other local transportation Business phone calls One brief, non-emergency telephone call home per day Receipts are required for any individual expense over $75
When to Request Reimbursement All requests and forms must be submitted within 21 days after the end of the trip, REALLY
Corporate Card UCLA Corporate Charge Card available May only charge reimbursable business travel and entertainment expenses Must pay upon receipt of the billing statement, whether you have been reimbursed yet or not The University will not pay late fees
Entertainment Original, itemized receipts must be turned in for any entertainment expenses, including meals. Maximum per person amounts: Breakfast $26 Lunch $38 Dinner $64 Light Refreshments $17 Alcohol not reimbursable (unless pre- approved and on non funds)
Entertainment, 2 Deduct alcohol and its related tax and tip from bill. Expenses for spouses or partners are not reimbursable (unless there is a University business reason, pre- approval best)
Librarian Professional Developments Funds Travel – amount determined by Library at the beginning of each fiscal year Linda Taketomo tracks expenditures from the allocation Your expenditure account runs from August 1 through July 30 to help with ALA
LAUC Research Grants Tell me if you are given a LAUC Research grant, LBS needs to get the money for you
Responsibility Traveler’s responsibility to know and follow the University’s travel policies Traveler’s responsibility to provide the appropriate documentation Preparers record the information for you in Travel Express for the reimbursement
Travel Web Page