WEB site and DBs for the adoption of IPP by SMEs.


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Presentation transcript:

WEB site and DBs for the adoption of IPP by SMEs

Integrated Product Policy (IPP): Integrated Product Policy (IPP): the new European policy for the environmental product management  The Integrated Product Policy is an integrated approach to environmental policies which seeks to improve environmental performances of products and services in a life cycle perspective.  IPP ambitions are: to reduce products environmental impacts for its origin by considering the environmental impacts all along the Life Cycle of the Product, from cradle to grave and by co-operating with all the stakeholders of the Product Supply Chain to foster the growth of green products and services markets by providing coherency with existing environmental requirements : ­Environmental Product Declaration ­Ecolabels ­Green purchasing ­Ecotaxes ­Subsidies ­Education

Needs of SMEs to satisfy Innovation & gradual approach IPPIPP Knowledge and specialised tools Low cost solutions The sectors studies performed by the preparatory action during the years on 150 SMEs in 5 European countries revealed fundamental needs for the implantation of IPP within the organizations:  Environmental improvements should be introduced with innovation aspects through an integrated and gradual approach, at a low cost solution  SMEs need adapted knowledge, training and procedural tools to choose the most suitable solution  LCA data have to be available, pre-elaborated and provided with customised services

Characteristics of the eLCA project  Makes part of the “e-Content” program of the European Commission  Cross-sectorial project that involves SMEs, Public Information about IPP and Information & Communication Technologies  Its operative and final goal is the realization of a multilingual web portal in order to help the SMEs in the implantation of the IPP  Technical and economical testing of the web portal for 1 year in 2 sectors in order to improve it and create an entrepreneurial structure for its exploitation after the funding period ICT PYMESIPP eLCA

The main ambition of the eLCA project is to contribute to the implantation of the IPP in the SMES by:  developing a multilingual web portal where SMEs will find all the elements to think about and start IPP  creating co-operation projects between all the stakeholders involved in the Product Supply Chain of various industrial sectors (public bodies, business associations, firms, service providers,…)  combining public funding in order to provide free access to data and commercial agreements with experienced SMEs service providers in order to foster a market of on-line and off-line green services Main Goals of the project Public and commercial agreements Co-operation projects Multilingual web portal eLCA

Services and content of the future portal (1/3) Five service’s classes, continuously upgraded and adapted to national or local characteristics:  General Information  Training packages  On-line support and consulting services  LCA databases  Specialised IPP softwares

Services and content of the future portal (2/3)  General support information to provide all the necessary information about IPP : ­IPP and SMEs ­Analysis & Design Methods (LCA, ecodesign, benchmarking) ­Market tools (ecolabel, EPD, ecotaxes) ­Environmental Management Systems (EMAS, ISO14000, e. reporting) ­Supportive Instruments (incentives, standards & regulations) ­Databases of downloadable documents, bibliography and events  Training packages to diffuse the IPP knowledge within the organization : ­On-line packages for self-training introductory courses ­Downloadable materials for off-line training such as presentations, evaluation tests, …  General services to provide alternatives and accompaniment services : ­Self assessment system for “non expert” users to suggest different paths in the portal ­Access to on and off-line consultancy ­“Ecoproducts Showroom”

 General and specialised LCA Databases and Guidelines to identify and make available the relevant data ­General Life Cycle Inventories databases ­Specific databases and meta databases for six industrial sectors with economical and environmental relevance: hotels, wood/furniture, metal products, construction, electronics and electrical equipment, textile products. ­Guidelines and case studies of best practices.  Specialised IPP softwares to choose the most suitable solutions: ­Simplified LCA methodology, with related software tool and databases (eVerdEE) ­Ecodesign software integrated with QFD parameters, to support the designer in the first phase of product development ­Information system to integrate different software used by SMEs to manage relevant environmental data Services and content of the future portal (3/3)

Dr. Sergio Olivero Consiel via val Formazza, Milano Italy Tel Mobile Web site:

FREE PATH GUIDED PATH Firm data Self-eval. System Routes contacts LANGUAGE COUNTRY TOOLS TRAINING INFORMATION General Service Context IPP IPP & SMES Supportive policies Market Tools Env. Man. Systems Analysis e design Methods LCA Ecodesign LCI Data Base General Sector specific Examples-other supports Guidelines Case studies On line cons Inf. System to manage env. Data ECO PRODUCTS SHOW ROOM Expected results: Expected results: WEB site structure

Main activities Collection, scientific review, final version of contents (including country and lingual adaptation) Sector analyses (6 sectors) to produce sector specialised DBs, guidelines, etc. General DBs Specialised IPP software tools for SMEs (review of eVerdEE methodology and development of QFD-Ecodesign and Information System) Testing of web site Management of test phase and after Creation of a WEB site management team Monitoring of business model Promotion of accompanying measures Marketing Awareness (Coordination committees, Conference, etc.) HW/ SW Design, implementation, review Main goals WEB site Implementation and testing Development of a market of “green services” Exploitation of test phase and Partners agreement Awareness, dissemination and further development Plan Technical activities Managerial and entrepreneurial activities Awareness, dissemination Managerial and entrepreneurial activities Awareness, dissemination Main Activities

COLLABORATION WITH THE PROJECT COLLABORATION WITH THE PROJECT Principle of participative structure Through this EC funded research project, we expect to create a stable and durable network of:  actors (experts, SMEs, public bodies, services providers,...)  know-how (knowledge and tools)  opportunities (supply and demand of green services for the product improvement) To achieve this, we have adopted a participative organization structure where local actors may have a specific role.

COLLABORATION WITH THE PROJECT: COLLABORATION WITH THE PROJECT: Possibilities of collaboration with external actors  Organisation of a network of excellence  Creation of an Integrated Project Structure  Promotion of the application of results  Development of new related projects with new partners Accompanying measures for sectorial projects, pilot initiatives and training seminars Synergies with national or sectorial programs Adaptation of international contents for local conditions Integration of local public contents in the portal Sponsorship of the portal and of awareness events about IPP  Constitution of or participation in Sectors Panels for the specification of LCA data  Development or sponsorship of guidelines of best practices  Supply of on/off-line green services through the portal  Organization of awareness or/and training seminars Local public/ private bodies: associations, investigation centers, consulting firms,... National Public Authorities eLCA Consortium

COLLABORATION WITH THE PROJECT COLLABORATION WITH THE PROJECT Key success factors of the project  Creation of a network of excellence: Involvement of two governments and of key experts in Europe Synergies with other European and international projects Integrated project structure, with strong efforts on management and coordination of the tasks between the countries  Continuous analyse of the opportunities and barriers of the IPP market : Economical and technical viability study realised in en (preparatory action) Market studies periodically upgraded, benchmarking of web-based innovative services, case studies in all the partners countries,...  Proximity and adaptation of the proposed services: “Think global and act local” Creation of a communication and promotion platform Qualitative and free public information yet available in order to achieve a relevant traffic level