Third European Space Weather Week, Brussels, November 2006 Session 6 Science Underpinning Space Weather Third European Space Weather Week, Brussels, November 2006
Session 6: Objective The presentation of recent scientific advances in nowcasting, forecasting and quantify the solar activity events, the magnetosphere and the atmosphere Third European Space Weather Week, Brussels, November 2006
Oral Session (8) 09:00 – 09:15: Session Introduction, A. Belehaki 09:15 – 09:35: Advancing Solar Activity Understanding: The Mutual Role of Space Weather Activities, M. Messerotti and H. Lundstedt (invited) 09:35 – 09:55: Radio Solar and Heliospheric Diagnostics For A Space Weather Program, M. Pick (invited) 09:55 – 10:15: Retrieving the EUV Solar Spectrum from a Selected Set of Lines for Space Weather Purposes: A Review of Theories, Models and Experiments, J. Lilensten, T. Dudock de Wit, M. Kretzschmar, P.O. Amblard, S. Moussaoui, J. Aboudarham and F. Auchere (invited) 10:15 – 10:30: Monte-Carlo simulations of shock acceleration of solar energetic particles in self-generated turbulence, R. Vainio and T. Laitinen 10:30 – 10:50: Coffee break 10:50 – 11:10: Dynamics of the radiation belts and the ring current: Recent advances and critical issues, I.A. Daglis (invited) 11:10 – 11:30: Ionospheric Research and Space Weather Services, Lj. R. Cander (invited) 11:30 – 11:45: Substorms are a Major Cause of Large Geomagnetically Induced Currents, A. Viljanen, E. Tanskanen and A. Pulkkinen 11:45 – 12:00: HF wave measurements and GPS diagnostic of main ionospheric trough as a hybrid method used for Space Weather purposes, H. Rothkaehl, A. Krankowski, I. Stanislawska, J. Blecki, M. Parrot, J.-J. Berthelier and J.-P. Lebreton
Third European Space Weather Week, Brussels, November 2006 Poster Session : Solar Activity and Interplanetary Medium (14) 1.Three Frontside Full Halo CMEs and their Resulting Geoeffectiveness, Zhukov et al. 2.Characteristic of Energetic Storm Particle Events Observed by SOHO/ERNE, Valtonen and Huttunen-Heikinmaa 3.Decomposition of the Solar EUV Irradiance in Spectral Sources, Kretzschmar et al. 4.EIT Waves as a Counter Part of CMEs: An Expanding Current Shell Model, Delannée et al. 5.On Comparison of Observations and Models of Magnetic Clouds, Vandas et al. 6.On the Effect of the Solar Wind on the 'Breakout Model' for CMEs, Dubey et al. 7.Study of Solar Sources During September 2005 Events and Forecast Evaluation of their Heliospheric Effect, Damasso et al. 8.Soft X-ray Emission in Solar Flares, Maris et al. 9.Multifractal Analysis of Turbulence in Sunspot Magnetic Fields, Conlon et al. 10.Coronal Hole Catalogues and their Applications, Krista 11.Energy Dependence of Cumulative Energetic Particle and Cosmic Ray Fluences, Heber et al. 12.Topological Equivalent of the Solar Atmosphere and Heliosphere Magnetic Field, Popescu 13.Neural Network Forecasting of Schumann Resonances in the Near Earth Space, Tulunay et al. 14.A new Cosmic Ray Acceleration Process Related to Tachyonic (scalar) Fields (and Solar Wind), Steyaert
Third European Space Weather Week, Brussels, November 2006 Poster Session : Ionosphere / Thermosphere (6) 1.A Quantitative Formulation of the Ionospheric Response over Europe during Storm Conditions Driven by Space Weather Parameters, Tsagouri and Belehaki 2.Further Investigation of the Possible Effect of the IMF Bz and By Components on the Ionospheric foF2 Values, Tulunay et al. 3.Influence of an X-Flare on the Variability of F2-Layer and Geomagnetic Field Registered at Observatory Grocka, Mitic and Hasanaginic 4.Time Series Autoregression Technique Implemented On-line in DIAS System for Ionospheric Forecast over Europe, Koutroumbas et al. 5.Topside HF Wave Diagnostics on Board Low Orbiting Satellite and Ground-based LOIS Radar Facility as a Novel Tools of Ionospheric Plasma Diagnostics, Rothkaehl et al. 6.An Ionospheric Local Model for the Forecasting of the Critical Frequency of the F2 Layer during Periods of Strong Geomagnetic Activity, Pietrella et al.
Third European Space Weather Week, Brussels, November 2006 Poster Session : Magnetosphere (3) 1.What is the Cause of the Energy Structure of the Inner Radation Belt? Sauvaud 2.Particle Radiation Build-up during Geospace Magnetic Storms: the Role of Substorm-Induced Electric Fields, Metallinou et al. 3.A Multivariate Statistical Method to Characterize Ionospheric Signatures of Magnetospheric Boundaries with SuperDARN Coherent HF Radars Network, Lointier et al. Poster Session : Middle and Lower Atmosphere (4) 1.Solar/geomagnetic Activity, QBO Phase, Lower Stratosphere Temperature and Polar Vortex, Bochnicek et al. 2.Energetic Particles in Atmospheres: Measurements and Simulation, Heber et al. 3.Calculation of Ionization Profiles of Galactic Cosmic Rays in the Middle Atmosphere During Minimal, Moderate and Maximal Solar Activity. Contribution of Different Groups of Nuclei (p, He, L, M, H and VH), Velinov et al. 4.Mesosphere-Ionosphere Effects above Thunderstorms (Red Sprites) as Related to Troposphere-Stratosphere Conductivity Variations, Velinov and Tonev