Graduate Biomedical Sciences Programs at The University of Alabama at Birmingham
Graduate Biomedical UAB overview UAB Graduate Biomedical Sciences Training Model: Multiple interdisciplinary 1 st year feeder programs recruit and admit students Student affiliates with specific interdisciplinary feeder program upon accepting program admission offer Completes program core and elective course requirements in first year Performs lab rotations with program faculty and identifies advisor in first year Joins department in which advisor holds primary or secondary JHS appointment (only JHS departments in SOM are currently credentialed by state to award PhD degrees) Completes departmental degree requirements Receives departmental degree
Graduate Biomedical UAB overview Graduate Biomedical UAB Interdisciplinary Feeder Programs: Admissions and 1st year curriculum Cell and Molecular Biology (CMB) (40*) Primary JHS departments** – Biochemistry & Molecular Genetics, Cell Biology, Microbiology, Neurobiology Integrative Biomedical Sciences (IBS) (23) Primary JHS departments – Pathology, Pharmacology, Physiology, Environmental Health Sciences Neuroscience (7)Genetics (6) Faculty of 17 departmentsPrimary JHS department – Genetics 1 o & 2 o appt Toxicology (4)Biochemistry/Molecular Genetics (5) Faculty of 9 departments Primary JHS department – BMG 1 o & 2 o appt MD/PhD (7)Nutrition Sciences (3) Faculty of 13 departments Faculty of 5 departments * Number of students affiliated with program or department ** Individual faculty members may participate in more than one feeder program
Graduate Biomedical UAB overview Graduate Biomedical UAB Departmental Programs: Advanced training/degree granting Biochemistry & Molecular Genetics(40*) Cell Biology (81) Genetics (10) Microbiology (75) Neurobiology (38) Nutrition Science (3) Pathology (42) Pharmacology & Toxicology (35) Physiology (33) * Number of students affiliated with program or department
Graduate Biomedical UAB overview Graduate Biomedical UAB Graduate Student Enrollment and Demographics 440 total PhD students (JHS plus Nutrition Science) 52% male, 48% female 65% US (16.5% US minority), 35% international Average time to degree yr Perform research supporting ~$90M annual NIH direct costs Represent 63% of total research trainee workforce First year class 925 applications (42% US, 58% international) 98 entering students (69% US [19% US minority], 31% international) Mean GRE V+Q, 1232; mean GPA, 3.5 Graduate Faculty ~220 total graduate faculty in biomedical sciences (62% JHS 1 o appt, 38% clinical/other 1 o appt) Faculty may participate in more than one graduate program
Graduate Biomedical UAB graduate program structure Graduate Biomedical UAB First Year Curriculum (via interdisciplinary feeder programs): Core courses Parallel core curricula sponsored by CMB and IBS programs, each shared with additional feeder programs Elective courses Parallel sets of multiple elective course offerings in modular format, sponsored by CMB and IBS programs Elective modules recently coordinated to allow choice of electives from either program elective course set Lab rotations and advisor selection Schedules of faculty research presentations sponsored by each feeder program Programs oversee selection of 3 program-specific lab rotations Advisor selection from program faculty typically in May of first year Continuing years (via departmental programs) Department-specific advanced graduate curricula, qualifying exams and thesis defense overseen by departmental director and committees * faculty may participate in multiple feeder programs as teaching faculty and rotation advisors
Graduate Biomedical UAB graduate program structure Graduate Biomedical UAB Sample Feeder Program 1 st Year Curriculum
Graduate Biomedical UAB graduate program structure Graduate Biomedical UAB Typical Interdisciplinary Feeder Program Structure Steering Committee Participating Department Chairs, departmental Graduate Program Directors, Feeder Program Director Responsible for policies, budget, program faculty selection/review Curriculum Committee Recruitment/Admissions Committee Program Graduate Faculty Must have 1 o or 2 o appointment in PhD degree-granting department Sponsored by JHS Department Chair with support letter and Faculty Applicant’s CV Must also apply to Graduate School for UAB Graduate Faculty status; see Reviewed every 3 years for research, teaching and training credentials and may be placed on inactive status
Graduate Biomedical UAB graduate program structure Graduate Biomedical UAB Graduate Student Funding Costs and Sources: Student Costs, 2006 Stipend$23,000 (Fall 2006) Tuition $6,800 Fees/Health $2,181 $31,981 First Year Students Feeder Program provides support ( supported by 1 st year Graduate $23,590 allocated by Graduate School) Continuing Students Support Sources R01 or other faculty advisor research support (70% tuition returned to funding source) NRSA (T32) and other training grants (22 grants; 81 predoc, 59 postdoc slots) NRSA (F30/F31) and other fellowships (23 awards, FY2005) Graduate School Special Population Fellowships (GAANN, CMFSDP)
Graduate Biomedical UAB graduate initiatives Graduate Biomedical UAB Other Training Opportunities Summer Research Programs Summer in Biomedical Science (SIBS, affiliated with IBS program) Physiology Summer Research Program Summer Program in Neurobiology (SPIN) (NSF funded) Program for Research Experience in Pathology (PREP) Genetics Summer Research Program Medical Student Summer Research Program (NIH T35) UAB Undergraduate Science & Technology Honors Program Initiated Fall 2005, students receive UAB Graduate School admission and 2 years’ funding on successful program completion and UG degree New PhD Training Pathways PhD - MBA Program (initiated AY05-06) HHMI Med into Grad Initiative (translational research, 1 of 13 awarded nationally) Pathway for Advanced Research Training in Science (PARTS) Residency/PhD Program (Pathology dept, in development) Office of Postdoctoral Education Advertises open postdoc positions, oversees funding levels, benefits, policies, career development activities, etc
Graduate Biomedical UAB graduate initiatives Graduate Biomedical UAB Graduate Initiatives & Resources School of Medicine Research Strategic Plan 2006 Graduate Education and Clinical Research Training Initiatives (funding, new interdisciplinary programs, etc) Office of Graduate Biomedical Sciences, Shelby Bldg, anticipated Spring 2006 GBS website and other recruitment initiatives Graduate School New Graduate School Dean (Bryan Noe, PhD) New UAB recruitment funding awards available to all graduate programs (Spring 2006) Graduate School Office service upgrades Graduate School website redesign, other communications initiatives Professional Development Programs Graduate Student Research Days (March 2-3, 2006, Hill University Center) UAB Industry Roundtable
Graduate Biomedical UAB graduate resources Graduate Biomedical UAB Graduate and Other Training Resources School of Medicine Graduate Programs in the Biomedical Sciences Medical Student Summer Research Program Graduate School Graduate School Office Dean, Bryan Noe, PhD, Associate Dean, Life Sciences, Susan Rich, PhD, , Graduate Programs Graduate Faculty Application, Minority Fellowship Programs, Wanda Jordan, , Summer Undergraduate Research Programs Office of Postdoctoral Education , UAB Science & Technology Honors Program