Beginnings of German History 800, Karl der Grosse (Charlemagne), emperor in Aachen Feudal system within a large number of principalities No centralization (compared to France or England
Middle Ages Reign of dynasties (Wittelsbacher, Hohenstaufen, Welfs etc.) with the support of knights and vassals (aristocracy a warrior class) Growth of towns, guilds, merchants Beginnings of Prussia in 1226 Black Death
Reformation Johannes Gutenberg (ca ) Martin Luther ( ) Ca Holy Roman Empire of the German Nation (a patchwork of dynastic and ecclesiastical dynasties, governed by Karl V. of Spain and the Augsburg Fugger family) German peasants’ war
1600s-1800s Thirty Years War ( ) Rise of Prussia in 18 th century Ages of Absolutism, Enlightenment, and Industrialism 1806/1815 German Confederation 1848 German Revolution
Germany/Germanies/Germany 1871 German Unification under Otto von Bismarck World War I Weimar Republic Third Reich/National Socialism East and West G. (BRD & DDR) Federal Republic of Germany