Techno-Savvy The impact that technology has had on the workplace, and society in general, is undeniable. It will become even greater as computers get smarter, faster, smaller, and so inexpensive that almost virtually everyone will be able to own one. Already, it can be seen how the nonstop, technology-driven, global economy is tearing down traditional concepts of time and space.
Promises Telecommuting - The Internet permits a person to conduct business anytime day or night with a company that might be 10 time zones away. “Walking resumes” - technology will help businesses gain more control over hiring decisions An “embedded” chip could eventually hold an individual’s entire work history, virtually eliminating fraud and could even allowing companies to identify individuals who might pose a threat to workplace safety. An increase in skilled workforce - American workers will have to have the skills and ability to add value quickly.
Pitfalls Robotics have eliminated thousands of blue-collar jobs in America's factories and assembly plants. Computers have reduced the need for many white-collar managers since they allow one person to do the work of two or three. Presently, some law firms are utilizing forms of artificial intelligence. While the software currently is unable to match the human mind's flexibility, it does analyze facts, determine which rules apply, make recommendations, and draft the appropriate documents, eventually eliminating the need for paralegals, as well as many entry- level lawyers.
Pitfalls cont. Conveniences like , voice mail, personal digital assistants, calendar software for PCs and PDAs, and voice-to-text software have eliminated many clerical jobs. All is not fair in jobs and the workplace – smaller companies cannot compete with the resources of the technology—hardware and software.
Current use of technology As director of communication and education services at my workplace I employ the use of the following (to name a few): Desktop computer Desk-top publishing Web site maintenance Laptop computer LCD projector Cell phone Digital camera Web conferencing
Techno-Enhancement Since summer 2001, I have increased my use of technology in the following ways: Advanced PowerPoint training Adobe Photoshop training Palm training Dreamweaver training In addition, I have purchased for the office: New laptop New LCD projector New digital camera …And, I purchased a Palm, virtually eliminating the use of my Daytimer!!
Techno-Enhancement cont. I have been integrally involved in the development of an online master of science food safety program at the center— the first of its kind in the nation. In June and August 2002, I will participate in a global distance learning network dialogue on the safety of organic food. We will “speak” with food safety experts in Peru and other Latin American countries. Perhaps of most significance to me is the team-teaching I did fall 2001 in communications campaigns—marketing, public relations, advertising—to senior-level MSU students. As part of their final exam, they were required to make a formal PowerPoint presentation on their campaign. I will teach this again in fall 2002 and this will appear on the syllabus as a requirement.
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