Emotions from PNS system Lindsay Brown, R&D Engineer
Monitoring your emotions Measuring peripheral signals
Monitoring ANS responses Restricted
Arousal Monitoring Real-time arousal monitor Test subject watching movie Instantaneous arousal Arousal profile Input signals: ECG, respiration, SkT & GSR Restricted
Arousal monitoring Use-case: chess players Bad move! Can we gauge the arousal of a chess player? Test game against a computer Player commenting his game afterwards Fluctuations during the game Approaching chessmate Restricted
Stress monitoring ANS as a predictor for stress? Monitoring physiological responses during stressful events shine light on possible physiological markers for stress Red: Patients Blue: Controls Red: During stressor Blue: At rest Δ Comparing patients and healthy subjects may provide new tools for assisting diagnosis of stress disorders Restricted
Trapezius EMG as a predictor of stress Speaker name - Title presentation Trapezius EMG as a predictor of stress The proposed protocol successfully induces stress Visual Analog Scores (stress) are significantly higher for stress than rest periods (p = 6E-5) EMG features significantly differ between stress and rest periods RMS EMG values are significantly higher (p = 0.0262) The number of EMG gaps is significantly lower (p = 0.0006) Mean frequency is significantly lower (p = 0.0186) Body Area Networks for Emotion Monitoring Copyright Holst Centre
Emotions from eeg towards real-time valence monitoring Raw EEG data F3/4 or F7/8 Frequency spectra: alpha power 2 second windows Real-time Valence Ratio of alpha power right/left High ratio = positive emotions Low ratio = negative emotions Body Area Networks for Emotion Monitoring
Longitudinal recordings in natural environments Speaker name - Title presentation Longitudinal recordings in natural environments Motivation Measuring and managing stress requires monitoring of trends in bio-signals over large time period (weeks, months, years) Bring technology from lab to daily-life environments Challenges Coping with motion artifact requires an integrated approach Achieve longer autonomy through the adoption of ultra-low power electronics Achieve wearability through new integration technologies Achieve robustness in detecting then compensating motion artifact Body Area Networks for Emotion Monitoring Copyright Holst Centre
IMEC ECG NECKLACE Wireless, connected, ‘on-the-move’ Wearable | with adjustable electrode leads Robust | monitoring in every-day life situations Low-power | 24/7 recording for 1 week Smart | instantaneous RR and HRV analysis Imec inside: bio-potential ASIC & algorithms Restricted
IMEC connects your health Manage your vitals from your mobile BAN interface to Android Phone 24/7 connectivity to public network Instantaneous alert Emails Text messages BAN data available globally over the internet Real-time check Link to EPR Restricted