Anxiety and Depression in Chemical Dependency Recovery Groups Erin Brock Hanover College
Introduction §Past research has shown that some patients report having levels of depression and anxiety up to six weeks into the detoxification process (Driessen, et al.). §When anxiety and depression symptoms appear during alcohol withdrawal the person is especially vulnerable and easily overwhelmed. Outside support from others such as a recovery group can be very helpful (Rousso).
§People with social anxiety have difficulty participating in treatment groups. They are more likely to feel social anxiety when entering and participating in chemical dependency groups because they have nothing to self-medicate with (Schneier, et al.)
§Self-medication research suggests that the rewarding properties of nicotine may be reinforcing for individuals prone to mood disorders. The reinforcers and rapid action of nicotine allow it to be used by smokers as a coping response to stress and negative affects (Patten, et al.).
Hypotheses §Levels of general anxiety, social anxiety, and depression will lower the longer a person is in a chemical dependency group. §People who smoke cigarettes in the chemical dependency group will have lower levels of general anxiety, social anxiety, and depression than those that do not smoke.
Method:Participants §Individuals that were currently participating in a Chemical Dependency Recovery group. §There were 25 total participants. §Twelve males and thirteen females
Method: Measures §Center for Epidemiological Studies Depression Scale §Social Avoidance and Distress Scale §Trauma Symptom Checklist §The COPE Scale §Trait Anxiety Scale §Demographics Questionnaire
Method: Procedure §I went to the recovery groups and distributed the packet of questionnaires during their regular meeting time. §All forms were anonymous.
Results & Discussion related to Anxiety and Depression §The total general anxiety score was positively correlated with the total depression score (r=.76, p<.05). §The total general anxiety score was negatively correlated with social anxiety (r=-.53, p<.05). §People reporting lower levels of anxiety and depression were reporting higher levels of social anxiety.
(Cont. Results & Discussion related to Anxiety and Depression) §There was a relationship between how long a person had attended the chemical dependency group and their levels of anxiety. §The relationship appeared to be curvilinear. A test of an “S” curve approached significance. §When people enter recovering groups their anxiety levels were high, then they lessened, and then were high again.
Results & Discussion related to Smoking §There is a relationship between smoking, attendance, and general anxiety. §Length of time was predictive of level of general anxiety (R 2 =.57, p<.05).
(Cont. Results & Discussion Related to Smoking) §When smoking was added to the model a significant R change was obtained (R 2 =.94,p<.05). §There was a unique relationship that was indirectly measured by the combined variables(attendance and smoking).
Limitations §Low power §Few participants who do not smoke
Further Research §Examine the comparison between people who are recovering that smoke and those that do not §Examine a longer time period of people in chemical dependency groups.