‘Enhancing Learning: SCOLAR’ David Ward
SCOLAR An acronym, inevitably Student Centred Online Academic Resource Enhancing learning opportunities Improving communication Targeting resources
Context: recent developments Learning and Teaching Issues -emphasis on research -increased scrutiny -C & IT developments
Changing patterns of learning Large group lectures Fewer tutorials Resource based learning
Changing students Working students, but not academic work Altered relationships Focus on learning outcomes Emergence of the strategic student
Changing roles for librarians New(ish) skills -close co-operation with computing staff -working alongside educational developers -web development -enhancing the information landscape -creating effective learning environments
Royal Holloway Corporate strategy -developing the hybrid campus Teaching & Learning Strategy -embed C & IT into curriculum structure
Tailored web interface Provides -online access to course details -structured links to web resources -online asynchronous discussion groups -benefits to staff
Working together Academic staff and librarians Librarians and computing staff Using existing skills of staff and students Exploiting campus technology
Student views Some technological impediments Appreciated resource grouping Puzzled by discussion groups Start with first years Still wanted more
Future developments SCOLAR continues International SCOLAR E-University