24-25/04/03A.I. Sors/ DG RTD-K41 SOCIAL SCIENCES AND HUMANITIES IN THE ERA AND IN FP6 Andrew Sors Unit “Research in the social sciences and humanities
24-25/04/03A.I. Sors/ DG RTD-K42 Priority 7 General Context European Research Area (ERA) –Long-term strategic policy objective for EU and Member States 6th Framework Programme (FP6) –Main EU instrument to support ERA “Integrating” Programme –Focus on Thematic Priorities Priority 7 “Citizens and governance in a knowledge- based society” –Focal point for social sciences and humanities
24-25/04/03A.I. Sors/ DG RTD-K43 The ERA & social sciences & humanities lan integral part of the ERA lneed to contribute to the building of the ERA lthe ERA has implications for the way social sciences and humanities are organised in Europe.
24-25/04/03A.I. Sors/ DG RTD-K44 Sixth Framework Programme
24-25/04/03A.I. Sors/ DG RTD-K45 A research agenda for the Lisbon strategy lTo provide the knowledge needed to master the transformation to: –The most competitive and dynamic knowledge based economy in the world, capable of sustainable economic growth and with more and better jobs and greater social cohesion lTo put in place the structures and policies for Europe to lead the world in the production of such knowledge, based on an appreciation of European models
24-25/04/03A.I. Sors/ DG RTD-K46 ¨PRIORITY 7: CITIZENS AND GOVERNANCE IN A KNOWLEDGE BASED SOCIETY OBJECTIVES to mobilise European research capacities in economic, political, social sciences and humanities to develop an understanding of, and to address issues related to, the emergence of the knowledge-based society and new forms of relationships between its citizens, and between its citizens and institutions key elements : - high quality research in areas of policy relevance while structuring Social Sciences and Humanities in such a way to fully exploit the opportunities of the emerging European Research Area
24-25/04/03A.I. Sors/ DG RTD-K47 Priority 7 themes lKnowledge based society & social cohesion «generation, diffusion and use of knowledge «options and choices for the development of a knowledge- based society «variety of paths towards a knowledge-based society lCitizenship, democracy & new forms of governance «implications of European integration and enlargement for governance and the citizen «Articulation of areas of responsibility and new forms of governance «resolution of conflicts and restoration of peace and justice «New forms of citizenship and cultural identities
24-25/04/03A.I. Sors/ DG RTD-K48 Implementation Our Toolbox Networks of Excellence (NoE) Integrated Projects (IP) Specific Targeted Research Projects (STREP) Co-ordination Actions (CA)...
24-25/04/03A.I. Sors/ DG RTD-K49 First call: basic structure lDeadline 15 April 2003 uNoE and IP (e.g. 3-5 MEURO each) uSTRP and CA (e.g MEURO each - two or three per topic) lDeadline 10 December 2003 uNoE and IP (e.g. 3-5 MEURO each) lIndividual topics open for one deadline only lEach topic can use only the specified range of instruments
24-25/04/03A.I. Sors/ DG RTD-K410 First call: topics for NoE and IPs deadline: 15 April 2003 –Science and Technology in the knowledge based society –Societal trends in the KBS and their implications for quality of life –Migration immigration and multiculturalism as challenges for Knowledge Based Societies –Multilevel governance, democracy and new policy instruments –New approaches to security and the role of Europe
24-25/04/03A.I. Sors/ DG RTD-K411 First call: topics for STRPs and CAs deadline: 15 April 2003 lKnowledge based society and social cohesion –generation, diffusion and use of knowledge –Understanding knowledge based society; knowledge- based entrepreneurship; integrating social sciences and humanities in Europe –options and choices for the development of a knowledge- based society –Education challenges; science and education; intergenerational inheritance of inequalities; insecurity –variety of paths towards a knowledge-based society –Historical development of socio-economic models; attitudes and civic values; sustainable development; “Knowledge for Humankind”
24-25/04/03A.I. Sors/ DG RTD-K412 First call: topics for STRPs & CAs deadline: 15 April 2003 lCitizenship, democracy & new forms of governance –implications of European integration and enlargement for governance and the citizen –Transformations in the candidate countries –Articulation of areas of responsibility and new forms of governance –Corporate social Responsibility –resolution of conflicts and restoration of peace and justice –Human rights –Roots of violent conflicts –New forms of citizenship and cultural identities –Active civic participation –European public sphere
24-25/04/03A.I. Sors/ DG RTD-K413 First call: topics for NoE and IPs deadline: 10 December 2003 –Understanding knowledge –Knowledge dynamics and economic development in Europe and its regions –Social cohesion in the knowledge-based society –Changes in work in the knowledge-based society –Promoting the knowledge-based society through life-long- learning –Deepening and widening of the EU –Global governance, regulatory frameworks and the role of the EU –Public interest: conception, regulation and implementation –Towards a European contract law –European citizenship and multiple identities –Cultural dialogue and European society –New perspectives on European history
24-25/04/03A.I. Sors/ DG RTD-K414 Preparing an Application Pre-Proposal Check “Offer” to have an outline of your proposal checked by one of our colleagues Strictly informal and not binding Up to one month prior to deadline Only one check per proposal Preferably by to Please respect “roughly two pages”...
24-25/04/03A.I. Sors/ DG RTD-K415 PRIORITY 7 AS A STRUCTURING CONTRIBUTION TO ERA lComparative research, European coverage lMultidisciplinarity lShared infrastructures lState of art reviews, mapping of research competencies lSupport linking of national programmes lPolicy support; users and stakeholders lTraining (especially young researchers) lOpenness, outward looking
24-25/04/03A.I. Sors/ DG RTD-K416 Evaluation & Selection Evaluators needed... Evaluation is crucial ! Involvement of high quality evaluators from all over Europe required Stressful, but highly interesting task Open call for applications from individuals and for suggestions from institutions:
24-25/04/03A.I. Sors/ DG RTD-K417 The social sciences and humanities in FP6 Priority 7: citizens and governance in the knowledge-based society” Priorities 1-6: “ethical, legal and social aspects” Scientific support to policy in: –economic competitiveness, public health, social policy, justice and home affairs etc. Infrastructures and mobility Policy co-ordination
24-25/04/03A.I. Sors/ DG RTD-K418 THE SOCIO-ECONOMIC DIMENSION OF THE SP “INTEGRATING AND STRENGTHENING THE ERA” “… A particular effort will be carried out to take into consideration the ethical, social, legal and wider cultural aspects of research including socio-economic research and innovation, resulting from the possible deployment, use and effects of the newly developed technologies or processes and scenarios covered by each of the thematic priorities …” (Draft Work Programme)
24-25/04/03A.I. Sors/ DG RTD-K419 CATALYZING THE DEVELOPMENT OF ERA IN SSH ÜADVISORY GROUP ON ERA IN SSH (Chair: Prof. Maria Rodrigues) ÜMAPPING OF SOCIAL SCIENCE RESEARCH IN EUROPE ÜSOME ONGOING ACTIVITIES Three social science disciplines in Central and Eastern Europe (Kaase et al) Co-ordination and opening up of national programmes (J. Smith) Promoting co-operation of national programmes (incl. ERA-NET) ÜPRESIDENCY CONFERENCES, DIALOGUE, WORKSHOPS, ETC.
24-25/04/03A.I. Sors/ DG RTD-K420 Info Information on ERA and FP6: Webpage for Priority 7 Publication of EoI submissions Helpdesk for Priority 7 Direct contact to colleagues