Muon Seeding Endcap: Cathode Strip Chambers up to 6 hits/station Barrel: Drift Tubes up to 12 hits/station
Muon Seed p T, 100 GeV p T muons
Muon Seed p T u Barrel looks good. u Endcaps look horrible. è Endcap algorithm looks completely wrong. r Estimates the pT from the segment direction at innermost station r Assumes a curvature based only on local value of magnetic field. è It was like this in ORCA, too!
Estimating Endcap Muon Seed p T Should estimate pT from the bending between stations, not slope within a station Field integrals look reasonably linear for a given chamber type. Try to parametrize: p T = (c1 - c2 * ) / p T = (c1 - c2 * ) /
Phi Bend between stations 1 and 2
Conclusion Should be able to parametrize p T as a simple function of and between first two stations. u Can we add in more information? 13 has some information. r Take weighted average, like DT does? 23 doesn’t seem to help. è Maybe segment direction? r first glance not promising. u Almost anything would be better than what’s in there now.