Skip Rochefort OSU Chemical Engineering Department Ellen Ford OSU Saturday Academy Ellen Momsen OSU COE Women and Minorities Program …….and many College of Engineering and High School Students Connections between K-12 Outreach and Higher Education Funded by the William and Flora Hewlett Foundation
Recruiting and Retaining under-represented groups in Science and Engineering through K-12 Outreach Programs Oregon State University College of Engineering Model
Pathways to Higher Education through K-12 Programs impacted by Hewlett Foundation SESEY (Summer Experience in Science & Engineering for Youth) ASE Program Summer Student Support at OSU SKIES (Spirited Kids in Science and Engineering) Lego Robotics Camp for Middle School Students E-Camp (Engineering Camp for Middle School Students) Adventures in Learning (Talented and Gifted Students) Latino Middle School Camp AWSEM (Advocates for Women in Science, Engineering & Mathematics) Apprenticeships in Science & Engineering Mid-Summer Conference Corvallis Community Events SEPS (Science Education Partnerships) K-12 Teacher Workshop Family Science and Enginering Nights - Elementary and Middle School Visits
The Mentoring Pathway
SKIES - Spirited Kids in Engineering and Science provides many “wow” and “how” science and engineering experiences to the K-5 Student
Middle School Engineering Camp (E-Camp) Girls and boy get a chance to learn about and experience hands-on engineering in a fun and supportive environment
E-CAMP 2004
E-CAMP 2005
Summer Experience in Science and Engineering for Youth The SESEY RESEARCH EXPERIENCE
The SESEY Week Outside the Lab
SESEY 2003
SESEY 2004
The mighty and brave COUNSELORS!!
SESEY 2005
Saturday Academy Apprenticeship in Science and Engineering (ASE) 9th-12th graders spend a summer doing hands-on research projects in labs across Oregon. Providing students with valuable experience and mentoring.
Four Generations of ASE Jason Hower: ASE ‘97, Corvallis High, Sophomore Oregon State Univ. Chemical Engineering Adam Welander: ASE ‘98, Central High, Freshman Carnegie Mellon Chemical Engineering Annie Gai: ASE ‘99, Sheldon High, Freshman Stanford University Chemical Engineering Hai Le: ASE ‘00, McKay High, Senior (will be Oregon State Univ. Chemical Engineering fall ‘01) Dr. Skip Rochefort: ASE Superstar, Faculty Mentor (kind of), likes to eat peanuts
K-12 OUTREACH PR The Love an Engineer Button
*Flora and William Hewlett Foundation *Toni Doolen, OSU Hewlett PI *OSU Enrollment Management for Precollege K-12 Program Support *ALL OSU K-12 Program Directors * My outreach colleagues Ellen Ford and Jason Hower….and all the kids! ACKNOWLEDGMENTS
….and my favorite kid (Zoey) and her Mom (Jackie)