Long-range Transport of Asian Pollution to North America: Transport, chemistry and variability Qing Liang and Lyatt Jaeglé University of Washington, Seattle
Meteorological Indices for Asian Outflow and Transpacific Transport on Daily to Interannual Timescales Model: GEOS-CHEM Tagged CO simulation 10 year simulation ( ), 2˚x2.5˚ Use seasonal climatological biomass burning and same OH field for each year. Method Correlate tagged Asian CO tracer with Sea Level Pressure (SLP) to form simple transport indices Liang et al. [2005], submitted to J. Geophys. Res.
Daily variability in Asian Outflow Asian Outflow Index: SLP anomalies over NE China Cyclones over NE China favors export Asian CO R (Asian CO, SLP) R = SLP anti-correlated with export 1993
Daily variability in transpacific transport Transpacific Transport index: SLP anomalies in E. Pacific Strong Pacific High favors transpacific transport Asian CO R (Asian CO, SLP) R = SLP correlated with transport 1993
Interannual variability of Transpacific Transport R = 0.65 Enhanced Transpacific Transport Monthly Asian CO in the western North America is correlated with the meridional SLP gradient Index: Weighted SLP anomalies over the N. Pacific Winter & Spring
What drives the interannual variability of transpacific transport? LRT3 strongly projects on Pacific and North American (PNA) index R(LRT3, PNA)=0.69 for Enhanced Transpacific Transport
Summertime influence of Asian pollution in the middle and upper troposphere during INTEX-A INTEX-A: 18 flights, Jun. 29 – Aug. 14, 2004 Goals and Methods What was the extent of Asian influence over the U.S. during INTEX-A? Use GEOS-CHEM to identify Asian plumes in observations, characterize their composition, and elucidate their chemical evolution and transport mechanisms Asian plumes sampled during INTEX-A (Modeled Asian CO > ppbv) 6 Asian plumes Asian CO GEOS-CHEM Model Observ.
Chemical Composition of Asian Plumes Observed Δ Model Δ CO, ppbv O 3, ppbv HNO 3, pptv PAN, pptv Acetylene, pptv +47 Enhancement in Asian Plumes vs. Background Modeled Asian CO [ppbv] Asian Plume DIAL+ In Situ O 3 Observations [ppbv] 12 3 July 1, 2004 – Asian Plume 1 2 3
Future work Chemical properties and evolution of the Asian plumes Origin of discrepancy between model and observations (transport, STE, chemistry?) Impact on Ozone in UT over US Was transpacific transport during INTEX-A unusual?