Jane Brack Summer 2004 Grade 3
State Standards: Science 3.1.3Keep and report records of investigations and observations using tools, such as journals, charts, graphs, and computers Demonstrate the ability to work cooperatively while respecting the ideas of others and communicating one’s own conclusions about findings Describe ways human beings protect themselves from adverse weather conditions.
Enduring Understanding Weather can be unpredictable Being prepared can save lives Weather instruments are a valuable tool in predicting weather
Essential Questions How does weather affect you? How does understanding weather predictions keep you safe? What precautions do you need to take during bad weather?
Knowledge and Skill Students will gain knowledge and skill by: >Doing research via the Internet, books, etc. >Communicating within a group to work cooperatively >Create a brochure using Word >Learn valuable safety rules regarding weather >How to be prepared for inclement weather
Assessment Evidence Performance Task Summary Students will keep a running weather record in their science journal using the local weather web page Students will choose one of the following: oCreate a weather report with a partner, to be given orally oUsing Word, create a simple brochure on weather safety, give oral presentation oCreate and demonstrate a weather instrument
Learning Activities oDay 1: Teacher lead discussion with textbook, chapter 4c, lesson 2: Weather; begin running record about daily weather oDay 2: Students choose activity and write an idea web in journal;teacher/student conference to discuss ideas; begin research;continue running oDay 3: Students begin creating projects; using research tools-internet, TV weather reports, books continue running record, visit WebQuest
Learning Activities oDay 4: Finish projects; teacher/student conference to discuss final project; running weather record; take online quiz oDay 5 and 6: Give oral demonstration of project
Webquest ohttp:// t/quest.htmhttp:// t/quest.htm
Rubric Titles oRubric for Weather broadcasting oRubric for safety brochure oRubric for weather instrument
Self-Assessments oOne line summaries daily in journal oChecklist for projects
Other Evidence/Summaries oEnd of lesson (textbook) summaries oJournal entry of running weather record oQuizzes oOnline practice quiz oEnd of chapter test oWord process: I liked this activity because... I would change the activity by.....