Aerospace Engineering Department SD2: Status and On Comet Science P. Di Lizia, F. Malnati, P. Francesconi, A. Ercoli Finzi, F. Bernelli-Zazzera
RLSW #4 Venice 2009 Aerospace Dep. Pierluigi Di Lizia 2 SD2 Status SD2 Open points Cruise phase Post Hibernation phase Comet phase First Science Sequence (FSS) Requirements Proposed sequence Long Term Mission (LTM) SD2 Facility Perforation Strategy Test campaign Preliminary Results Agenda
RLSW #4 Venice 2009 Aerospace Dep. Pierluigi Di Lizia 3 In flight tests performed : Commissioning (4 blocks) –Electronic behaviour tests –Carousel movements –Volume Checker movements Active checkout ( 3 checkouts) –Carousel movements –Drill rotation –Drill translation –EEPROM refresh Passive Checkout ( 6 checkouts) –EEPROM content check –Electronics switch on –Position resolvers switch on SD2 Status (switch on SD2)OK (4 rotations)OK (2 movements)OK (20 rotations)OK (4 movements)OK (2 movements) OK OK Results
RLSW #4 Venice 2009 Aerospace Dep. Pierluigi Di Lizia 4 Fully commissioned: All mechanical items of SD2 have been tested during cruise phase SD2 Status Mechanical unit (including Drill) SD2 is ready for comet phase Electronic unit Carousel
RLSW #4 Venice 2009 Aerospace Dep. Pierluigi Di Lizia 5 Required (or desired) activities for next active checkouts : Carousel movements Drill rotation Drill translation EEPROM Refresh (during PC#12) SD2 OPEN POINTS: Cruise phase
RLSW #4 Venice 2009 Aerospace Dep. Pierluigi Di Lizia 6 Test definition Complete test of SD2 is recommended after hibernation Carousel movements Drill rotation movement Drill translation movements EEPROM refresh (Mandatory) Constraints about Power budget Data rate Access to Rosetta (RF link) Other subsystems and experiments activities SD2 OPEN POINTS: Post hibernation phase No activities foreseen during SDL phase
RLSW #4 Venice 2009 Aerospace Dep. Pierluigi Di Lizia 7 Decisions for both phases: First Science Sequence How many holes How many samples from each hole Which ovens shall be used to release samples Use of Volume Checker Long Term Mission Use of SD2 to perform qualitative analysis of mechanical characteristics of comet soil SD2 OPEN POINTS: Comet phase
RLSW #4 Venice 2009 Aerospace Dep. Pierluigi Di Lizia 8 SD2 FSS: Requests (1/2) Reference Documents: Philae Science Objectives [RO-LAN-L1-1000; Issue 1.1 Draft; January, 02, 2009] Requests: CIVA M/V Requests# of holes# of samplesDepthOven type ROS-PHI-CIV-FSS-002 Analyze samples from different depths and location 24Different depths (TBD) MTO CIVA M/I Requests# of holes# of samplesDepthOven type ROS-PHI-CIV-FSS-003 Analyze samples from different depths and location 24Different depths (TBD) MTO
RLSW #4 Venice 2009 Aerospace Dep. Pierluigi Di Lizia 9 SD2 FSS: Requests (2/2) COSAC Requests# of holes# of samplesDepthOven type ROS-PHI-COS-FSS-003 Collect 2 samples: 1 from deepest location, 1 from surface 12 1 from deepest 1 from surface 1 MTO 1 HTO PTOLEMY Requests# of holes# of samplesDepthOven type ROS-PHI-PTO-FSS-001 Load HTO1 with a surface sample, HTO2 with a sample at maximum depth 12 1 from surface 1 from deepest 2 HTO ROS-PHI-PTO-FSS-002 Load MTO with sample and rotate oven between CIVA and Ptolemy 11TBD 1 MTO ROS-PHI-PTO-FSS-001 Analyze the coma at various epochs/solar distances N.A. 1 HTO
RLSW #4 Venice 2009 Aerospace Dep. Pierluigi Di Lizia 10 SD2 FSS: # of holes - # of samples Required Depths SurfaceMax Depth Hole 1 Sample 1 MTO 1 under CIVA M/V MTO 1 under CIVA M/I Sample 2 HTO 1 under COSAC Sample 3 HTO 2 under PTOLEMY Sample 4 MTO 2 under CIVA M/V MTO 2 under CIVA M/I – PTOLEMY Sample 5 MTO 3 under COSAC Sample 6 HTO 3 under PTOLEMY Hole 2 Sample 1 MTO 4 under CIVA M/V MTO 4 under CIVA M/I Sample 2 MTO 5 under CIVA M/V MTO 5 under CIVA M/I
RLSW #4 Venice 2009 Aerospace Dep. Pierluigi Di Lizia 11 SD2 FSS: Proposed Sequence Seq. Description Duration [h] Consumption [Wh] OvenDepthInstrument PTOHTO 0-PTOLEMY H1S1MTO 1SurfaceCIVA H1S2HTO 1SurfaceCOSAC H1S3HTO 2SurfacePTOLEMY H1S4MTO 2MaxCIVA-PTOLEMY H1S5MTO 3MaxCOSAC H1S6HTO 3MaxPTOLEMY H2S1MTO 4SurfaceCIVA H2S2MTO 5MaxCIVA Total: Low Drill translation velocity (2 mm/min) for H1S1 and H2S1, and during drilling to maximum depth Duration and consumption do not include stand-by phases
RLSW #4 Venice 2009 Aerospace Dep. Pierluigi Di Lizia 12 SD2 FSS: Mission Plans; HK, SC Packets Necessary mission plans: 30 MPDescription# of wordsbit 1 Drill bite rearming Sample retrieval Sample release Drill down high and low velocity to surface and maximum depth Ovens’ positioning Total: House-keeping (HK) and Science (SC) Packets Packet# of packetsMbit HK SC
RLSW #4 Venice 2009 Aerospace Dep. Pierluigi Di Lizia 13 How to sample the comet Drilling phaseSampling phase Discharge phase Sampling tube Drill bite Comet soil Oven
RLSW #4 Venice 2009 Aerospace Dep. Pierluigi Di Lizia 14 SD2 Scientific Instrument Correlation analysis between drill telemetry data and the mechanical characteristics of the perforated material Tool Scientific Instrument (material parameters) = f (telemetry data) ? Experimental approach SD2
RLSW #4 Venice 2009 Aerospace Dep. Pierluigi Di Lizia 15 SD2 DIA Facility (Laboratory) Strain gauge equipped with an amplifier and the conditioning system Current sensor DC Power Supply Low-pass digital filter Data Acquisition device Labview Software MATLAB SD2 DIA Facility
RLSW #4 Venice 2009 Aerospace Dep. Pierluigi Di Lizia 16 Simulation of different sampling scenarios, according to different on comet surface conditions. SD2 Facility - Specimen GRAPHITIC-FOAM MULTI-LAYER GASBETON
RLSW #4 Venice 2009 Aerospace Dep. Pierluigi Di Lizia 17 Perforation strategy - Material Characteristics GASBETON Fragile material Low density (~500 kg/m3) Porous composition GRAPHITIC-FOAM Fragile material Low density (560 kg/m3) Porous composition
RLSW #4 Venice 2009 Aerospace Dep. Pierluigi Di Lizia 18 The contact between cutting and surface is asymmetrical, with an asymmetrical distribution of cutting stress 1)Test 20° 2)Test 60° F C FLFL Simulation of SD2 operation on irregular cometary surface Test campaign - I nclined surface
RLSW #4 Venice 2009 Aerospace Dep. Pierluigi Di Lizia 19 Goal: Drill behaviour analysis (discontinuity of force and torque) First layer: mix of concrete material Second layer: gasbeton Test campaign - Multi-layers specimen
RLSW #4 Venice 2009 Aerospace Dep. Pierluigi Di Lizia 20 First layer: dry graphitic-foam Second layer: frozen graphitic-foam Goal: Drill behaviour analysis (discontinuity of force and torque) Test campaign - Multi-layers specimen
RLSW #4 Venice 2009 Aerospace Dep. Pierluigi Di Lizia 21 Minimum Rotation Speed Experimental campaign with different specimen categories: Imposition of decreasing drill rotation speed values Identification of the minimum rotation speed required to drill the specimen without stepper motor stop Creation of a DATABASE of correlations between minimum speed value and the material characteristics Perforation strategy - Experimental Approach
RLSW #4 Venice 2009 Aerospace Dep. Pierluigi Di Lizia 22 Test campaign - Gasbeton Gasbeton drilling: Ct = 4 Vt = 10 Cr = 1 Vr = 18
RLSW #4 Venice 2009 Aerospace Dep. Pierluigi Di Lizia 23 Drill Rotation speed levels Drill Translation speed levels Test campaign - Gasbeton
RLSW #4 Venice 2009 Aerospace Dep. Pierluigi Di Lizia 24 Preliminary Results SD2 could be used as a scientific instrument in order to retrieve qualitative mechanical information about comet soil The procedure about the soil analysis is both time and power consuming Several mission plans need to be uploaded Several laboratory tests must be implemented: The database about different soil mechanical characteristics The correct sequence of drilling test in order to perform the test in best way without risk It could be useful in case of some failure of other experiments (backup solution)
Aerospace Engineering Department SD2: Status and On Comet Science P. Di Lizia, F. Malnati, P. Francesconi, A. Ercoli Finzi, F. Bernelli-Zazzera