Introduction to Database Systems CSE 444 Lecture #1 January 5th, 1998
Staff zInstructor: Alon Levy ySieg, Room 310, yOffice hours: Wednesday 3-4pm (or by appointment) zTA: Jake Cockrell y“Chateau”, 110, yOffice hours: TBA
Communications zWeb page: yhttp:// s444/index.html zMailing list: will be set up (self subscription)
Textbook(s) zA First Course in Database Systems xby Jeff Ullman and Jennifer Widom zOther useful textbooks: yFundamentals of Database Systems (Elmasri and Navathe) yFoundations of Databases (Abiteboul, Hull and Vianu) yDatabase Management Systems (Ramakrishnan)
Requirements zPrerequisites: Data structures course (CSE-326 or equivalent). zWork & Grading: yHomework (w/light programming) 25% yProject: 30% yMidterm: 15% yFinal: 30%
Real Business: What is a DBMS zDatabase management systems: yProvide efficient and secure access to large amounts of data. zAddress problems such as: yHow to store the data yHow to query data efficiently yHow to update the data securely (by multiple users) zContrast with using file systems for the same task
Relational Databases zBased on the relational model zSeparates the logical view from the physical view of the data.
Querying a Database zFind all the students who have taken CS444 in Fall, zS(tructured) Q(uery) L(anguage) yselect yfrom Enroll E ywhere E.course=CS444 and y E.quarter=“Fall, 1997” zQuery processor figures out how to answer the query efficiently.
Database Industry zRelational databases are a great success of theoretical ideas. z“Big 3” DBMS companies are among the largest software companies in the world. zIBM (with DB2) and Microsoft (SQL Server, Microsoft Access) are also important players. z$20B industry zChallenged by object oriented DBMS.
Functionality of a DBMS zStorage management zAbstract data model zHigh level query and data manipulation language z Efficient query processing zTransaction processing zResiliency: recovery from crashes zInterface with programming languages
Why Use a DBMS? zData independence and efficient access. zReduced application development time. zData integrity and security. zUniform data administration zConcurrent access and recovery from crashes.
The Study of DBMS zSeveral aspects: yModeling and design of databases yDatabase programming: querying and update operations yDatabase implementation zDBMS study cuts across many fields of Computer Science: OS, languages, AI, Logic, multimedia, theory...
Course (Rough) Outline zDatabase design: yEntity Relationship diagrams yODL (object-oriented design language) yModeling constraints zThe relational model: yRelational algebra yTransforming E/R models to relational schemas
Outline (Continued) zConcepts of data storage zConcepts of query optimization zSQL (“intergalactic dataspeak”) zConcepts and triggers (in SQL) zConcepts of transaction processing zRecursion zObject Query Language zAdvanced topics