1st Quarter2nd Quarter Subject English Grade 12th Honors Essential Questions and Concepts Units Content and Specific Terms Standards Assessments Resources / Text Chapters Stories 1. How can non-fiction be presented in an interesting way to encourage reading? 2. How does organization and division of labor and talents lead to the success or demise of an organization or activity? 3. What leads to the development of good research questions and sources of information? Flowers for Algernon Unit – (Awakenings movie tie in Essay Writing Non-Fiction Study Unit - Literature circles - Research skills and resources developing research questions - Proper essay writing technique -Grammar: preposition review - author purpose and historical significance - developing research questions - credible sources and summarizing information - comparing points of view - Literature analysis - creating presentations that work and the development of readers through the use of non-fiction. The students will compare the movie "Awakenings" with the plot and story elements from the novel as well. 1. When do the negative consequences of an action out weigh the positive ones? 2. What are the differences between internal and external conflicts in a character? Understanding of diction, irony, point of view, conflicts - internal and external; cliches and idioms, the use of tone and mood 1. Why read books written before you were born? Why do we still read and watch Shakespeare? 2. How do you need to change a story so that it speaks to your generation or comments on your own time? 3. What is meant by Elizabethan times? Novel Study: Merchant of Venice Unit Drop The Bomb? Discussing Dilemma Unit Assessment One - outline of the sections of the book that the group will be using for their presentation. Assessment Two - Final Video Production - use the attached rubric for grading. Computer lab activity for 1st research unit in-class essay writing Guided reading selections of non-fic tion books, Series W, X, Y, Z (located in the primary ESL office o n the hill) computer lab time for first project Class set of novels - Flowers for Algernon DVD - Flowers for Algernon Drop The Bomb Webquest F_Assignment Merchant of Venice class set, related video clips 1. Webquest activities 2. story/movie comparison chart 3. character analysis activity 4. reading comprehension checks 5. oral reading practice 6. vocabulary development 1. Character and story graphic organizer and notes 2. Usury discussion and class activity 3. Stereotypes activity essay question 5. Old Tales for A New Generation Activity work 6. Writing Assessment 7. Reading Comprehension and Vocabulary Check 12.1,2,5,7,8,13,14,15, 21,23, 18, 19, 32-35, 53, 55, 36-39, 40, 44, , 4, 6, 8-10, 15, 16, 26-31, 51, 55, 37-39, 36, 42
3rd Quarter4th Quarter Subject English Grade 12 Honors Essential Questions and Concepts Units Content and Specific Terms Standards Assessments Resources / Text Chapters Stories Students will develop their understanding of symbolism and allegory used in literature through the reading and discussion of one of the works of Shakespeare. We will look at the language of the time and read the story in standard English, looking at the figurative and literal language and historical background the surrounds some of the various works of Shakespeare 1. What is essential for a good oral presentation? How can you be sure the audience stays interested and your information is presented in a compelling way? 2. What do you need to do to refine your English skills? Oral Presentation Skills Senior Projects Unit - revise, present, critique Pleasantville Unit Life Purpose Unit add on if time The Three Presentation Essentials - Use visual aids where you can - Rehearse, rehearse, rehearse - The audience will only remember three messages Fine tuning a presentation; oral language practice; podcasts Proofreading focus: past tense, subject/verb agreement, sentence fragments and run-ons , 8-11, 13-16, 18, 19, 22, 22, 24-26, 28, 31, 34, 36, 38, 39, 41, 44, 45, 47, 48, 51, 52, 53, oral presentation of senior project 2. written work - grammar and English check 3. classroom assignments on proofing - individual and group work Pleasantville DVD, Simon Birch DVD, Oral presentation videos / powerpoints for suggestions and aids see samples from previous years Senior project criteria guidelines and instructions 1. What is better, to be able to learn and memorize information or to be able to think critically and apply what you know to new situations? Creative Writing Unit / Poetry Reading and Terms Independent Reading Project Romeo and Juliet Unit Video Production 1.Technology connections sessions and assignments 2.Reading comprehension checks 3.Oral readings of selections 4.School instructional video production and parts 5. writing assessments Class set novels - Merchant of Venice (3 hard copies and 15 paper copies) DVD - The Merchant of Venice related video clips (see unit folder) , 8-13, 16-17, 19,23, 28, 3, 37-39, 45,51, 53,55