13./14.03.2000 1 DigiZeit (Digitisation of Journals) - a joint effort of special subject collection libraries in Germany Digitising Journals. Conference.


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Presentation transcript:

13./ DigiZeit (Digitisation of Journals) - a joint effort of special subject collection libraries in Germany Digitising Journals. Conference on future strategies for European libraries Norbert Lossau, Stefan Cramme Göttingen State and University Library / Digitization Center (GDZ)

13./ Topics I DFG funding program: Retrospective digitisation of library holdings in Germany DigiZeit - Digitisation of Journals ÜOverall goals ÜSchedule ÜProject Partners ÜSelection of Journals

13./ Topics II...DigiZeit - Digitisation of Journals ÜRightholders (Publishers / Authors) ÜOrganisational Model for DigiZeit ÜPricing and availability ÜProduction (s. lecture “Production”) ÜAccess ÜOutlook

13./ Background information: Retrospective digitisation in German libraries

13./ Starting 1997 A new funding program for Retrospective Digitisation of Library Materials is launched by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) (German Research Foundation)

13./ Grants about million DM per year for all German projects (currently 35 projects receive grants from the DFG)

13./ The overall goals of the national program : Üonline access to relevant research collection in libraries; Üparallel access to frequently used literature; Üdigital availability of collections with difficulties in conventional access Üadvanced use of lesser-known library collections

13./ DigiZeit - Overall goals Enabling and improving access to core journals from German publishers -focussing on the German system of distributed special subject collections Improving infrastructure for information circle Increased global visibility for German scientific journals via online presentation

13./ Schedule Starting point: with feasibility study, performed by Göttingen State and University Library, project officer Stefan Cramme Finalising the feasibility study (autumn 2000) Proposal for grants to the DFG (end of 2000)

13./ Project Partners I ÜStaatsbibliothek zu Berlin - Preußischer Kulturbesitz ÜUniversitäts- und Landesbibliothek Bonn ÜSächsische Landesbibliothek – Staats- und Universitätsbibliothek Dresden ÜStadt- und Universitätsbibliothek Frankfurt am Main ÜUniversitätsbibliothek der TU Bergakademie Freiberg ÜNiedersächsische Staats- und Universitätsbibliothek Göttingen

13./ Project Partners II ÜBibliothek des Instituts für Weltwirtschaft - Deutsche Zentralbibliothek für Wirtschaftswissenschaften Kiel ÜUniversitäts- und Stadtbibliothek Köln ÜBayerische Staatsbibliothek München Initiative open for other SSG-libraries in a 2. phase

13./ Selection of Journals I Selection criteria ÜOverall goal: selecting journals with a high relevance for research and high frequency in usage ÜRecommendations from scholars and scientists (selective survey) ÜCitation in (recommending) bibliographies ÜAnalysis in review journals and Citation indices ÜAvailability in German libraries

13./ Selection of Journals II 57 journals from 14 fields have been selected (ca. 3 Mio. pages)

13./ Selection of Journals III Anglo-american Studies Economics Demography Library Science Geology

13./ Selection of Journals IV Library Science Geology German Studies History Arts (after 1945)

13./ Selection of Journals V History Modern Philology Law Romance Studies Sociology National Economy

13./ Publishers, e.g. Duncker & Humblot Otto Harrassowitz Vittorio Klostermann Max Niemeyer Recht und Wirtschaft Westdeutscher Verlag

13./ Publishers II First meeting between libraries and publishers: March, 2, 2000 in Goettingen mainly positive response - general wish to build up a prototype-server till autumn licensing for the 1 phase may be cleared soon “moving wall”-principle (<US-JSTOR) the majority of the journals does currently only exist in print form

13./ Publishers III Problems to solve: Üthe German copyright knows the right for digital use on publisher site only for newer articles Üfor articles from back volumes the copyright has to be clarified with the authors ÜPossible Partner for negotiations: Verwertungsgesellschaft (VG) Wort (collecting society)

13./ Organisational Model Considerations ÜBuilding up a Non-for-Profit-Organisation? ÜDocument server, access - outsourcing to an external service provider? Or using existing library capacity ?

13./ Pricing and availability Subscription from Universities and Libraries Proposed: annual fee for recovering maintenance costs and allowing extension of production Price structure: to be defined (US-JSTOR as model?)

13./ Production Technical aspects (s./h. “Production” lecture) Combination from outsourcing and in-house work local responsibility for journals in the respective subject areas (preparation for scanning, using local copies) Central co-ordination of the production process, contact to external vendors, specification of technical parameters, definition of time schedules...

13./ Access I Indexing of articles, probably reviews, footnotes (including indexes, abstracts) Proposed: full-text search (depending on the degree of automation for OCR-ing, cost factor) Delivering images on the screen, enabling full- text search in the background - possibly highlighting search terms in the images (s. “Production” lecture)

13./ Access II Proposed: Unique access point of retrodigitised volumes and current electronic volumes on one system Providing high quality print-output Technical system: to be defined; ÜEssential: based on a database solution (e.g. extended AGORA)

13./ Outlook for DigiZeit Reaching agreements with (the majority?) of publishers/authors Definition of technical and organisational standards for the production process Implementation of a Demo-Server with sample volumes Co-operation with related projects/activities in the U.S. (e.g. JSTOR), Europe (e.g. DIEPER, NL - Delta...)

13./ DigiZeit is open for practical recommendations and suggestions