Reliable WDM Multicast in Optical Burst-Switched Networks Myoungki Jeong, Chunming Qiao and Yijun Xiong Dep. Of EE and CSE State University of New York at Buffalo OptiComm 2000, SPIE
Multicasting on IP over WDM Networks
Loss Recovery Properties in OBS Networks Avoidance of implosion. Local recovery. No duplicate transmission. Closest responder. Adaptability.
A Backbone OBS Network AS WDM Links
Notations of The Loss Recovery Method Branching switch (BS) : a WDM switch that has more than one downstream. Member switch (MS) : a WDM switch with a edge router attached, which is a member of a multicast group. Responder : an edge router that responds to the retransmission request. Target switch : a WDM switch that receives an encapsulated control packet and then multicasts the corresponding burst/control packet to its downstreams. Subcasting : a means to multicast a lost burst to a subtree of the multicast tree, starting from a target switch.
Burst Loss and Retransmission
Target Switch and Retransmission Request
Retransmission and Subcasting
Average Delivery Latency
Retransmission Bandwidth
Burst State Holding Time at BS
Conclusion A reliable WDM multicast protocol in OBS networks is proposed. The proposed protocol operates at the WDM link layer and requests some additional functions to be performed at WDM switch. The overhead is manageable.