1 Spring 2007 CSCI 660 CSCI-660 Project Title Project team members’ names
2Spring 2007 CSCI 660 Agenda List all the major topics you will cover in your presentation and which team member (if 2 or 3 people working on the project) will be covering what part of the presentation
3Spring 2007 CSCI 660 Major Features List major features/Functions of your design
4Spring 2007 CSCI 660 Applications In the next few slides describe what are the applications of your design. Give one or two System Level Scenarios of your design, i.e. how will your design fit in a system. How does your chip interface with other hardware in the targeted system
5Spring 2007 CSCI 660 Top Level Block Diagram
6Spring 2007 CSCI 660 Pin Configuration (Input and Outputs of the Design)
7Spring 2007 CSCI 660 Design Overview of Blocks In the next few slides go over the description of your internal blocks of the design Each team member will be presenting their individual blocks’ designs You should show some sample VHDL or Verilog code of your design Go over some portion of the code that you found interesting (In short I am looking to see if you can explain your code)
8Spring 2007 CSCI 660 Design Overview of testbench In the next few slides go over the description of your testbench features and design What does your testbench generate and what does it analyze
9Spring 2007 CSCI 660 Simulation Results You can show some waveforms or your outputs (in text format or messages printed on the screen) in this section Go over some critical results shown by your waveforms
10Spring 2007 CSCI 660 Synthesis Results Summarize your synthesis results List number of gates each block utilized Summarize your timing results What was your design frequency Discuss if your timing constraints were met Go over the critical path
11Spring 2007 CSCI 660 Discussion/Conclusion Give you conclusions Lessons learnt How you might have done things differently
12Spring 2007 CSCI 660 Summary Summarize what you covered in the presentation in one slide or maximum of two slides
13Spring 2007 CSCI 660 References Summarize your references, List where did you seek help from If friends/outside people (other than the team members) list that information here Give credit where credit is due!!