Farewells You are only as good as you last deed!
Farewells Since guests pay the bill/tip at the end of the meal the quality of the service at the end of the meal is very important.
After-Dinner Beverages Consider printed lists of after-dinner drinks with a dessert menu. Cognac, Armagnac, port or cordials can make dinner more interesting. Brand names are important with after-dinner drinks. These drinks are generally served after dessert with coffee.
Coffee Proper service of coffee is critical! Flatware, Sugar, Cream, and cups or mugs. Preheated coffee cups, and room temperature cream makes for a better cup of coffee. Lots of liqueurs can be added to coffee. LEAVE THE CUP ON THE TABLE!!!! DON’T FORGET TO RING THE COFFEE!
ESPRESSO Espresso refers to the Italian process of roasting, grinding, and brewing coffee. – Dark roasted and finely ground Espresso is prepared in individuals portions on demand. More roasting means less caffeine. Demitasse cup, saucer and spoon for service.
Other Espresso-based Beverages Cappuccino – Espresso with mostly foamed milk and a little steamed milk Caffe latte – Espresso with mostly steamed milk and possibly a cap of foamed milk
Tea Service Tea is prepared by infusing tea leaves. Proper tea brewing temperatures – Green – 160 to 180 degrees – Black – 190 to 210 degrees Traditional service requires: – 2 preheated teapots (1 for infusion and one for extra hot water) The guest pours their own tea. – Offer milk (not cream), lemon wedge, honey/sugar cubes – Need an underliner for used tea bag
Check Presentation and Payment Timing of the check depends on the type of restaurant. Focus on not making the guest feel rushed. Check presenters vs. on a plate Place check in a neutral zone if no one has requested it. Discretely count the cash before leaving the table. Use plain pen for signing of credit card slips
Service is over when? Manager should be exposed for greet and saying goodbye. Thank you and please come again are appropriate things for the manager to say. You look clueless if you ask if everything was alright when they are leaving.
Summary Your ultimate goal is to have happy guests at the end of the meal. Guests who are talking about a return visit because they had such a great time.