Towards Resource Aware Applications and Systems Michael B. Jones Microsoft Research
Goal: Coexisting Independent Real-time Applications Independently developed Predictable concurrent execution of real-time and non-real-time apps Meeting all apps’ timing needs Informing apps when not possible
Overview Need for Resource Management Motivating Examples Resource Awareness Call to Action
Case for Explicit Resource Allocation and Accounting Time-Sensitive applications need: different resources at different rates in different amounts Even infinite resources insufficient if not given to apps in timely fashion
Assumption: Multiple Tasks Assumption: Multiple concurrent tasks At least one time sensitive Many such tasks to choose from: Media input, output Speech, vision-based UIs Software modems, sound cards,... Industrial device control etc.
One Real-Time Task Enough Time aware resource management needed even if just one real-time task Competing normal tasks can still cause real-time task to fail Round-robin with to large a period Fair share with too small a proportion
Motivation: User Interfaces User interfaces can use all the resources, all the time! Speech, vision understanding, implicit queries, etc. can use as much as they get Must manage background activities’ resource usage so real work gets done Low-latency responses required Camera-based head motion parallax driving 3D virtual environment needs < 200ms response — ms ideal Simple timesharing, priority schemes won’t get the right tasks done at the right times
Motivation: Reducing Costs PC industry wants lower prices points Buying choice different below ~$400 “Soft Migration” one means Remove “extra” CPUs, such as modem DSP $15 parts cost => ~$45 retail cost Soft modems work well on 200MHz MMX Sample processing rates ~12ms in normal operation ~1.5ms during training Infeasible without appropriate scheduling
Motivation: Reliability Denial of Service attacks steal resources Resource management can guarantee resources to “good” clients Example: Resource Container results protecting web servers from SIN attacks (Banga, Druschel, & Mogul: OSDI ’99)
Motivation: Consumer Real- Time Applications Enable consumers to purchase or download applications some of which have real-time needs just like current shrink-wrapped & Internet applications today with expectation independently developed apps will successfully coexist.
Resource Awareness Only apps know their timing requirements must have a vocabulary for expressing them Only system can enforce resource guarantees must do resource accounting to fulfill negotiated resource guarantees Both must be Resource Aware
Determining Application Resource Needs Adaptive approach: 1.Observe own resource usage 2.Compute expected needs from past observations 3.Reserve appropriate resource amounts Resource self-aware applications key Only apps have knowledge to make appropriate resource tradeoffs Uncertainty in amounts inherent Caches, busses, CPU speeds, contention
Missing Information Paths In current general-purpose systems: Apps can’t tell system: when code needs to be executed amounts of resources they need System can’t tell apps: whether deadlines will be met amounts of resources available to them Both flying blind
Call To Action Future systems must provide: Explicit resource management interfaces Predictable low-latency scheduling Enabling technology for: User interface advances Reduced cost computing More reliable computing Consumer real-time applications
Towards Resource Aware Applications and Systems Discussion