Venom8y Video Game CSE 378 Final Project Bart Pietrasik Can Kulduk Kevin Van Sickle
Rules of Venom8y -Two player using two custom made controllers Red Spider and Blue Scorpion -Using Green Venom you can eliminate your opponent by touching them -The Spider and Scorpion are surrounded by Green Poisson Frame,upon contact with the frame you will die -You have forward movement using red button and two black buttons –the top one for clockwise and the button one for counterclockwise rotation -The player eliminated by contact with Green Venom or Green Frame dies and starts at the starting position and the other player continue…
Graphic2 scanVGA -RGB signals -10 MHZ Clock -Provides timing for Horizontal & Vertical Synch Hit_Reg -Tells The W8Y that hit occurs -collision between Blue-Green (1 st Bit) and Red – Green (2 nd Bit) The W8Y Microcontroller - Designed in Lab 9 Modified for Venom8y Coordinate Registers -angle registers Modifications Coordinate Registers - The X and Y coordinate registers Angle Decoders -Output the direction increment or decrement according to the angle STAT_Registers -Sets the images to alive or dead
Hit_Register OR-gate is used to Latch the possibility for both players getting hit Input from Graphic2 The W8Y controller is used to know if one of the players is hit or not
Graphic2 Spider and Scorpion X & Y position coordinates Outputs if collision occurs between player color and green Red, Green, Blue signals Output to monitor Horizontal and Vertical Synch. Output to monitor 10 MHz clock Spider and Scorpion Status and Angle
Any Questions !!! Have a Nice Holidays and Happy New Year