MINERvA Calorimetry Resolution function Jaewon Park University of Rochester Jupiter/MINERvA Group Meeting, Nov 22, 2006
2 Electron resolution: theta dependence E=1GeV Theta<20degree, it goes to DS-ECAL Theta>20degree, it goes to side ECAL
3 Electron resolution: energy dependence
4 Electron resolution: DS-ECAL vertex-z dependence E=1GeV Theta=0deg
5 DS-ECAL Side ECAL Electron resolution: Combining two dependences For side ECAL, it’s assumed that combined function has following form
6 DS-ECAL Combining E, theta, L is not done. When theta is change, L is not fixed. Least square fit is proper way to do it Track length as function of vertex position and angle using cylinder surface without endcaps Electron resolution: Combining three dependence
7 Proton resolution: HCAL theta dependence E=2.2GeV Theta<30degree, it goes to DS-ECAL Theta>30degree, it goes to side ECAL
8 Proton resolution: Energy and track length dependence (DS-HCAL) Theta=0deg
9 Proton resolution: HCAL theta dependence 2.2GeV Theta=0deg