Summary of the event location in Europe Giovanni De Lellis
CS to brick connection
Tracks attached to primary vertices
Vertex position distribution Y-X vertex distribution Z vertex distribution (plates) downstream
Z vertex distribution (plates) for CC and NC events
Track multiplicity at primary vertex CC events NC events
Present status of event location in bricks with a black CS LabReceivedVTX Located Bari31 Bern53 Bologna10 Naples53 Padova10 Salerno31 Total188
Vertex location summary NCCC Bricks assigned74361 Bricks received in the labs73334 Scanning started63314 CS to brick connected58295 Vertices located in the brick40241 Passing through621 Vertices in the dead material16 Current upper limit: 58/63 = 92%(NC) 295/314 = 94% (CC) Lower limit: 40/56 = 71% 241/287 = 84% Passing through (wall finding inefficiency): 26/(58+295) = 7.4% Dead material: 7/(7+281) = 2.4%
Vertex location rump up
0µ/1µ ratio NCCCTotal Predictions for CS scanning 141 (19.8%) Found in CS73 (17.5%) Located in ECC 40 (14.2 %) Located + passing through 47 (14.9%)268315