Mohamed Ali, Javed Siddique, Haiying Xu
Each part of a production line is monitored by a mote Motes check for vibration Give a warning before line fails Intel’s hope 4000 sensor 1500 wired 2500 unwired and checked by employees on foot Current state
Mote Features As small as a quarter $50 cost Part passive sensor, part tiny computing device Uses TinyOS to connect to next sensor and create a network
Data from the motes places a strain on data centers Data Streams from Sensors Data is written directly to the processor itself NOT to memory nor disk
Intel's Motes vs Other Technologies Intel is planning to deploy this system in its multi-million dollar production facility. Proves how reliable the system is. Identify and monitor the quality of individual wafers. The amount of data processed by sensor networks are doubled every year. Will tomorrow's data center's be able to handle the increasing amount of data? Gives some overview of the problems Intel is currently investigating –Store packets in processor's cache instead of memory. –Object based storage.