第一單元:時態 C.2 過去式.


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Presentation transcript:

第一單元:時態 C.2 過去式

目錄 A. 過去式(Simple Present Tense) B. 過去進行式(Past Progressive) C. 比較:過去式 與過去進行式 D. “Used to”用法

A. Simple Past Tense 用法: 1.形容已完成或發生過的事情 e.g. She was a painter. My dad made tasty Croatian dishes. Now Past----|-------|------------->Future She was a painter 同時可用time expression(?)以形容過去的一段時間: e.g. They wiped the windows last week.

A. Simple Past Tense 2.只有規則變化的動詞在字尾加-d或-ed: e.g. We turned on the light. **Be動詞變化: He was(單數人稱)happy. You were(複數人稱)sad. ***其他不規則動詞變化, e.g. Merlin saw fairies through his magic ball.(see為其原形) Pete wrote the book last month. (write為其原形)

A. Simple Past Tense 否定句 Be----> S + was(單數)+ not + V原形 were (複數) 其他不/規則動詞-----> S + did not (didn’t) + V原形 e.g. We didn’t have fun at the party. The president didn’t address to the nation properly.

A. Simple Past Tense Yes/No Q & A, e.g. [Be]Were you out last night? Yes, I was./ No, I wasn’t (was not). [其他動詞]Did you buy the pen? Yes, I did./ No, I didn’t. Wh- Q & A, e.g. [Be]Why was he late to school yesterday? [其他動詞] Who did she meet four days ago? What piece of classical music did the orchestra band play last night?

B. Past Progressive 用法: 1.描述一件事情/行動在過去確切的某一時候發生 e.g. What was he doing at 21:00? He was dancing. 9pm Now Past---------\--------\-------> Future (我們確定 (不確定是否 he’s dancing) 繼續dancing)

B. Past Progressive 2. 用過去式強調已完成的事 e.g. I did the dishes last night. (碗已洗好了) 用過去進行式強調“時間持續的長短“(不論完成與否) e.g. I was doing the dishes last night. (不知碗是否洗好了) 注意!非行動動詞不能用過去進行式(同現在式的規則)e.g. I am sick. (NOT I’m being sick.)

B. Past Progressive Yes/No Q & A, e.g. Wh- Q., e.g. Was Jodie typing her paper? Yes, she was./ No, she wasn’t. Wh- Q., e.g. Where were the clowns performing? Who was teasing my brother?

C. Past Tense and Past Progressive 1. 當兩個過去式同時出現在一個句子,發生次序是 前句的過去式先於後句的,e.g. When she went outside, the phone rang. 次序: 1 2 Now Past----|--------|-------|---------->Future she went the phone outside rang

C. Past Tense and Past Progressive 2. 當兩個過去進行式同時出現在一個句子裡時,表示兩個行動同時進行,或兩件事在過去同時發生;須用時間副詞while(兩種用法):e.g. Roy was whispering loudly to his friend while the piano player was performing on the stage. 或:While the piano player was performing on the stage,Roy was whispering loudly to his friend. Roy was whispering Now Past--------- while ----------------|---------> Future The piano player was performing

C. Past Tense and Past Progressive 3.過去式與過去進行是同時出現在一個句子裡: e.g., I was watching movie when he knocked the door. 或 When he knocked the door, I was watching the movie. He knocked Now Past----------|------------|------>Future I was watching movie (他敲門這一個動作發生在看電影這連續進行的事情當中)

C. Past Tense and Past Progressive 注意!While 與 when 之區分: while用於持續性的描述,而when強調發生的當下(Kate, I don‘t know if this one’s well-interpreted): e.g. He was studying while his brother was playing video games. When Susan came, I was cooking. 其他常見的subordinator(?):before, after, until, since, as soon as e.g. I was cooking before Susan came.

D. Used to 肯定句:Used to + 原形動詞 e.g. Tobey used to keep dogs. 否定句:Didn’t + use to + 原形動詞 e.g. Cinderella didn’t use to do house chore. 問句: Yes/No Q. e.g. Did you use to paint? No, I didn’t. Wh-Q. e.g. Where did you use to walk your dog?

D. Used to 何時用 Used to? 1. 形容過去曾經有的習慣,但現在已不執行: e.g. I used to wear sweat pants.(指我以前穿sweat pants,但現在已不穿了) 2. 比較過去與現在;可用time expression(?)例如not anymore, no longer, only等強調對比性 e.g. The uniforms used to come only in white and black. Now they come in many different colors.

D. Used to 注意!別將used to與其他兩者的意思混淆: used to(曾有的習慣,但現在不在執行) e.g. I used to watch movie every weekend. (這句話的含意為:我現在已不再看了) be used to(習慣於) e.g. I’m used to watching movie every weekend. (我有每週看電影的習慣;每週看電影對我是正常的) get used to (有適應一種習慣的含意;延伸至染上癮的意味) e.g. I got used to watching movie every weekend last month. (我上了上整個月每週都看電影的癮)