Lab 4 – Building your first model Load Promodel S/W package on PC Next identify where the models you will be using for the assigned lab exercises are located: don’t worry about finding the models used in the lab sections prior to the exercises Exercise 1 - model is “logistcs.mod” Tube Distribution Supply Chain and found in “demos” directory Go to the C:/Program Files / Promodel / Models / Demos / directory: rename the model by adding your name in front of the model name in this manner: first_lastname_modelname.mod Exercise 6 - model is the one you built in section L4.1 “Fantastic Dan’s Barbershop” Exercise 9 - model is the one you built in section L4.2 ” Bank of USA ATM”
Lab 4 – Report Options Open Promodel main screen Set report format using TOOLS - OPTIONS on main menu Switch Default Output Viewer to Output Viewer as opposed to the 3DR option, this will provide the “classic mode” general summary report Run simulation, collect stats, and generate report the “general summary report” will be used as the basis for your lab report OPTIONS - CUSTOMIZE CURRENT WINDOW can be used to change the font type & size (Courier / New Courier 9 Bold) seems to work fine for the table printouts) the report can be printed from the File menu or Save As a text file to the default Output directory, for editing w/ a word processor, if you choose this option, remember to reset the font via the word processing program to (Courier / New Courier 9 Bold)
Graph Options Time-series graphs, charts, histograms, etc. generated in either the Output Viewer or 3DR Viewer can all be saved to the clipboard for placement into your final lab report For the Output Viewer: make sure the window you want to place on the clipboard is active, then click on the 4th button from the left on the upper toolbar, which “copies to clipboard” For the 3DR, make the plot window active, then click on rightmost button on active window to place on clipboard
Lab Report Format Title page identifying the laboratory session, date, and your name General Summary Report from Output Viewer option Main section that reports the important results and: answers specific questions related to the lab provides summary tables that contain important information from the simulation models provides key graphs presents any calculations needed in order to complete the lab A list of attached program listings, output reports, additional graphs, drawings, etc. Each of these attachments will have a heading with figure or table number. The attached material that is listed in 3 above. On a CD-RW, save your versions of the models you have built. You will have Tracy place them in my dept. mailbox by Monday @ noon, for my review.