Two-Loop Decoupling Coefficients for s within MSSM Outline Motivation Two-Loop Decoupling Coefficients within MSSM Phenomenological Results Luminita Mihaila* Universität Karlsruhe 22 July 2005 * in collaboration with R. Harlander and M. Steinhauser
Motivation Reconstruction of super symmetric (SUSY) theory at high energies : extrapolation of coupling constants using RGE to GUT-scale U. Amaldi, W. de Boehr, H. Fürstenau ‘91, …, A. Blair, W.Porod, P. Zerwas ’03, Allanach et al ‘04 largest uncertainties from s ) - need of precise running of s (higher order RGE) - check stability of s at GUT scale w.r.t. HO perturbative corrections
RGE program of the SPA Project L eff fixed by high-precision low-energy measurements RGE (Bottom-up Approach) Fundamental Theory fixed by high-energy constraints: GUT, mSUGRA, GMSB, AMSB - required three-loop accuracy for s within MSSM Mass-independent renormalization schemes ( ) used for HO calculations - decoupling theorem (T. Appelquist and J. Carazzone ´75) does not hold - decoupling of heavy particles by hand - known only at one-loop order within MSSM
Bottom-up Approach Running: M=91.18 GeV M SUSY =? M GUT = GeV Allow two mass scales for the intermediate states: M SUSY1 =400GeV, MSUSY2=1000GeV more flexible approach full SUSY-QCD (full) RUN GUT n-loop [M GUT ] [M SUSY1 ] DEC, (n-1)-loop g,6 SUSY-QCD (g,6) RUN n-loop [M SUSY2 ] DEC, (n-1)-loop 5 QCD (5) RUN [M Z ] n-loop
Definition of s matching coefficients g within EFT: Computation of g : Green’s functions in effective and full theory - decoupling coeff. independent of momentum - for p = 0 vacuum diagrams - scaleless integrals = 0 contributions only from the “hard parts” Two-point functions for g and c: G p ), c p ) -one-loop - two-loop
- three-point func. Gcc (p,k): only two-loop contributions Technicalities - Regularization Scheme: Dim. Reduction - Renormalization Scheme: s within : on-shell Results: - one-loop: - two-loop: available for specific mass hierarchies [ R. Harlander et al ‘05]
Phenomenological Results Input parameters: m top = GeV, s (M Z ) = ± m SUSY = 400 GeV, M SUSY = 1000 GeV For used QCD relation [Z. Bern et al ’02] at M Z s GUT with three-loop accuracy : three-loop running [I. Jack et al ‘96] + two-loop matching s GUT as a function of the matching scales and the loop orders Scenario A
s GUT as a function of th1 and th2 :
s ( ) as a function of bands due to exp. and theor. errors on
Comparison with the s running by Allanach et al ’04 (two-loop)
Conclusions Two-loop decoupling g + known three-loop running 2 Three-loop accuracy for s running within MSSM Very good stability of the HO perturbative expansion w.r.t. matching scales (source of theoretical uncertainties) Large uncertainties due to SUSY mass pattern