Survey design This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 3.0 License. Skills: survey design, patient planning IT concepts: none
Five-level Likert scale Free text Single line of text Imposed ranking Multiple choice, choose 1 Multiple choice, all that apply Likert-like rating
Likert scale questions are flexible 1.strongly disagree 2.disagree 3.neither agree nor disagree 4.agree 5.strongly agree Statement the respondent can agree or disagree with Variation: How important is X? Responses: not at all important to extremely important. Variation: respondent assigns one or more stars to something like a movie or TV show.
Pause and create a Likert scale question or two of your own. Continue when you are confident that you understand Likert-scale questions.
Plan before you begin What is the purpose of the survey? What do you hope to learn? What results do you expect? Who is the audience – who will complete the survey? Who will be interested in the results? Are you personally curious about the results?
Design tips Your questions must be carefully worded to make sure they are not ambiguous. Set your survey aside for at least a day, then reread it. Test the survey with others before posting it. Use open-ended and limited-response questions. Set a closing date for responses, and analyze the results after that time.