Made in Powerpoint XP – need to be checked and tested in earlier versions. The original idea is to have the relevant slide on show (looped to itself) as pupils enter the class, before the starters. The teacher might also refer back to it, or a vocab display somewhere in the room, during the body of the lesson and as part of the plenary. To loop a slide to itself (in XP): Go to the ‘Slide Show’ menu, select ‘Set Up Show’ and tick next to ‘Loop Continuously until Esc’. Click the dot in ‘From slides’ then enter the correct lesson number e.g. 1 to 1, or 5 to 5. Teachers might want to cut down the number of words and add graphics to each word, as a memory anchor. They can of course alter the animation and put in backgrounds etc. You could even adapt this for the starter. After watching the slide a couple of times, pupils write down as many as they can remember and then compare answers with a partner to see if, together, they can come up with them all. Alternatively, show the original slide and then a second one with an extra word added and the pupils have to identify the odd one out, and say why. Vocabulary slides
Unit 7.5 Lesson 1 database field numeric data bias interrogate information source reliable
Unit 7.5 Lesson 2 data type hypothesis plausible chart table viewpoint graph
Unit 7.5 Lesson 3 questionnare data type alphanumeric sample composition sample size numeric sample
Unit 7.5 Lesson 4 classify questionnaire data structure numeric value sort field
Unit 7.5 Lesson 5 effectively efficiently improve sort variable enquiry revise
Unit 7.5 Lesson 6 enquiry record variable sort search method viewpoint