Computational Physics Home Assignment #3 Dr. Guy Tel-Zur
3D Self Avoidance Walk Goal: Simulate a 3D Self Avoidance Random Walk (SAW), i.e. Non-Intersecting path. Find the relation between and t, i.e RMS distance vs. time.
Settings Do 3000 walks (time steps) Use 500X500X500 grid Repeat the exercise 10 times and average the results
Computational Tools and Methods Write your code in C Install personal condor on your laptop (see instructions in Lecture 1 slides Execute the 10 repetitions using Condor Pay attention to the random number generator’s seed
Make a Plot
Bonus Save the problem domain (grid) in Silo format Make a movie of the SAW growth using VisIt by taking snap shots of the grid at several time steps, e.g. every 150 times steps.
More instructions Submit: – Source code – Condor submit file – Plots – VisIt movie (if file is not too big) – Documentation Send To be submitted to: Due: meeting 13! (End of course)