Business 205
Review Hypotheses Critical Areas Critical t-values T-tests (One-sample)
Preview Survey Ethics Survey Designs MS4
WHAT?! Reliability and Validity Since this survey is a training tool, it has not been formally checked for reliability or validity. However, since I have had a lot of feedback from various training classes, other trainers, and various sources, I feel that it is fairly accurate. If I did a formal reliability and validity analysis, I would probably have to charge for it. Please feel free to send me your feedback
Purpose of a Survey To be able to place a number on a construct This enables a researcher to engage in statistical analysis Constructs (DVs) are composed of MANY questions whose scores are averaged together The average (mean) result is the number statistics are performed on
Survey Ethics Nazi Medical War Crimes Tuskegee Syphilis Study Jewish Chronic Disease Hospital Study Articles
Congress National Commission for the Protection of Human Subjects of Biomedical and Behavioral Research (1974) Belmont Report Common Rule
Belmont Three ethical principles are outlined in the Report: Respect for Persons informed consent Beneficence Do no harm, and maximize benefits Justice Equitable distributions of the burdens and benefits of research.
Common Rule Requirements for assuring compliance by research institutions Requirements for researchers’ obtaining and documenting informed consent Requirements for Institutional Review Board (IRB) membership, function, operations, review of research, and record keeping.
Human Subjects Review Board (HRB) = IRB Serves to ensure studies follow ethical guidelines Controls research aspects Allows those projects that do no harm May stop a project at any given time
Administering a Survey Pre-Survey Introduction Name, general background of what your are studying, side-effects, VOLUNTARY, participation reward, contact information Post-Survey Concluding Remarks Debriefing about your study, thank-you, give participation reward
Open-Ended Questions Respondents asked to provide their own answers to the question Example: What is your favorite restaurant to eat at?
Closed-Ended Questions Respondents are asked to select their answer from among a list provided Example: Please circle your age:
Likert Scale Strongly Agree/Strongly Disagree 5 or 7 point scale (5 is more common) 1.)People who drink heavily at parties are popular. SAANDSD 2.)I can excuse someone more readily for obnoxious behavior because they were drunk. SAANDSD * 7 pt: Strongly Agree, Somewhat Agree, Agree, Neutral, Disagree, Somewhat Disagree, Strongly Disagree
Semantic-Differential Scales Polar opposites Normally either a 5 or 7 point scale Place an "X" or a check mark along the continuum between each pair of words. Placing the check mark closer to one of the words indicates that you feel that the word closely describes the language used in the message. The language of the message is: Strong Weak Emotional Unemotional *other pairs: Good/Bad; Wise/Foolish; Intelligent/Unintelligent; Honest/Dishonest; Reliable/Unreliable
Think about “splitting” Must have question that will divide groups by IV You wanted to know about gender differences Demographic question: I’m a Male Female You want to know about Smokers and Non- Smokers Demographic question: I smoke. Yes No You want to know about people who drink 1, 2 or 3 drinks and hour How many drinks an hour do you drink? 1 2 3
Watch for Erroneous Questions and Biases! Double barreled questions Slanted questions Emotionally charged questions Researcher bias Answering bias
Writing Survey Questions Writing questions that make sense to ask of the DV Ask questions that your group thinks may be important to finding out information about the DV Make sure that the questions are relevant Rule of thumb: More than 3 questions per DV
Survey Reliability Questions need to “hang together” Reliability is from alpha =.70 or higher To achieve this, “like” questions are added together to get the Mean for the DV
Example You want to know if gender affects how happy people are. You write a survey based on finding out how happy people are and divide the groups by gender.
Understanding Questionnaires Person 1 I am aF I am a very happy person. 5 I believe myself to be very blessed. 4 I am a very optimistic person 4 Person 2 I am a FemaleM I am a very happy person. 3 I believe myself to be very blessed. 5 I am a very optimistic person 2
Milestone 4 Compose a survey Have several demographic questions Write at least 15 questions per DV These questions can be a mix of all types of survey questions Make sure you have at least 10 that are of Likert-type or Semantic-Differential
Excel for t-tests : 1 to many samples DO NOT USE!!! Ttest(array, array, tails, type)