LCROSS crashes into the Moon
Image credit: NASA
LCROSS studied plumes created by impact trying to measure composition of the ejecta and estimate amount of water ice. Then, in 4 min, it also crashed.
Centaur rocket stage is released from the circular orbit km above the lunar surface. Find the speed with which the stage crashes into the Moon. Moon’s mass is 7.3x10 22 kg, radius 1740 km. Gravitational constant is 6.67x N m 2 kg -2. How much energy is released in the crash if the rocket stage has mass of 2300 kg? Find TNT equivalent (1 kg TNT = 4x10 6 J) km/s; 6.3x10^9 J
Compare to most powerful explosions
Tsar Bomb MT
Castle Bravo MT
. ( 10/15/ :06:18)
A force is conservative if: The work done by the force in going from to is independent of the path the particle follows The work done by the force when the particle goes from around a closed path, back to, is zero. or
Non-conservative: doesn’t satisfy the above conditions
Theorem: if a force can be written as the gradient (slope) of some scalar function, that force is conservative. U(x) is called the potential energy function for the force If such a function exists, then the force is conservative 1D case:
does NOT depend on path! If F x (x) is known, you can find the potential energy function as
Work-energy theorem: Energy conservation law!
Then use or A strategy: write down the total energy E = K + U at the initial and final positions of a particle;
Examples Force of gravity Spring force y x x0x0
A gun shoots a bullet at angle θ with the x axis with a velocity of magnitude V m. What is magnitude of the velocity when the bullet returns to the ground? Hits the target at height H above the ground? How high it will go? Note: motion is 2D, but U(y) = mgy is still a function of only one coordinate y.
Potential Energy Diagrams For Conservative forces can draw energy diagrams Equilibrium points –If placed in the equilibrium point with no velocity, will just stay (no force) F x >0 a) Spring initially compressed (or stretched) by A and released; b) A block is placed at equilibrium and given initial velocity V 0
Stable vs. Unstable Equilibrium Points The force is zero at both maxima and minima but… –If I put a ball with no velocity there would it stay? –What if it had a little bit of velocity?
A block of mass m is (not) attached to a vertical spring, spring constant k. A If the spring is compressed an amount A and the block released from rest, how high will it go from its initial position?
A particle is moving in one direction x and its potential energy is given by U(x) = ax 2 – bx 4. Determine the force acting on a particle. Find the equilibrium points where a particle can be at rest. Determine whether these points correspond to a stable or unstable equilibrium.
Block of mass m has a massless spring connected to the bottom. You release it from a given height H and want to know how close the block will get to the floor. The spring has spring constant k and natural length L. H y=0 L
Water Slide Who hits the bottom with a faster speed?
The curve of fastest descent Cycloid Inverted cycloid: Brachistochrone
Roller Coaster You are in a roller coaster car of mass M that starts at the top, height H, with an initial speed V 0 =0. Assume no friction. a)What is the speed at the bottom? b)How high will it go again? c)Would it go as high if there were friction? H
Roller Coaster with Friction A roller coaster of mass m starts at rest at height y 1 and falls down the path with friction, then back up until it hits height y 2 (y 1 > y 2 ). Assuming we don’t know anything about the friction or the path, how much work is done by friction on this path?
Several dimensions: U(x,y,z) Compact notation using vector del, or nabla: Another notation: Partial derivative is taken assuming all other arguments fixed
Geometric meaning of the gradient Direction of the steepest ascent; Magnitude : the slope in that direction Direction of the steepest descent Magnitude : the slope in that direction
If or then
Work-energy theorem: Energy conservation law!
Checking if the force is conservative
Checking if U(x,y) is a potential energy for any force
Find the velocity of the block at points 0,B, and D Repeat if there I friction on the table up to x = B
Power Power is a rate at which a force does work If work does not depend on time (or for average power): Otherwise: Even if instantaneous power depends on time, one can talk about the average power
How many joules of energy does 100 watt light bulb use per hour? How fast would a 70-kg person have to run to have that amount of energy? Power could also define the rate at which any form of energy is spent, not only mechanical