Conventional AI Machine Learning Techniques Environmental Mapping Case Statements Statistical Analysis Computational Intelligence Pattern Recognition Heuristics Reasoning What is Machine Intelligence?
AI - Environmental Mapping Way Points Pre-Determined Paths No “On the Fly” Calculations If POINT_A -> POINT_B then //Use Path #1 Map:
CI – Heuristics & Reasoning How do you go from point_A -> point_B without knowing what exists between the two points? Heuristics! [1] Draw a picture Assume a solution exists and work backwards Start simple with a generic case [1] Polya, George. How to Solve It. Reissue ed. Princeton Univ Pr, 1982.
CI – Heuristics & Reasoning Picture given Assume end point is reachable within constraints Start with simple points Use reasoning to decide next move
CI – Heuristics & Reasoning Continue process How did we do? Is there a better solution?
Some things to keep in mind! Remember previous obstacles Develop a complete map of environment Must be “On the Fly” programming Parameters Dimensions of the robot Speed/Time
Hybrid Intelligence Combining AI & CI allows for optimization Pattern recognition Priority searches Weighted graphs Multiple node maps