Dave Dowell, Sasha GilevichFacilities Advisory Committee October 12 2004 Injector Drive Laser Update Injector Drive Laser Update.


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Presentation transcript:

Dave Dowell, Sasha GilevichFacilities Advisory Committee October Injector Drive Laser Update Injector Drive Laser Update Sasha Gilevich, Dave Dowell FAC Review, October 12, 2004 Drive Laser S20 Facility Overview Procurement Plan Request for Proposals Perspective Vendors Launch and Conditioning System Design UV Conversion of Temporally Shaped Pulses Preliminary Pulse Shaping Results X-Ray Endstation Laser Specifications Summary and Conclusions

Dave Dowell, Sasha GilevichFacilities Advisory Committee October Injector Drive Laser Update Transport Tube UV Launch and Condition. Laser Heater Drive Laser RF Gun Laser Bay Photocathode Gun & Launch System Laser Heater Transport Tubes Electron Diagnostic Sector 20 Alcove Sector 20 Drive Laser System

Dave Dowell, Sasha GilevichFacilities Advisory Committee October Injector Drive Laser Update Layout of Laser Room at S20 Space & Utilities for 2 Drive Lasers

Dave Dowell, Sasha GilevichFacilities Advisory Committee October Injector Drive Laser Update Drive Laser Procurement Process Write Request for Information (RFI) Drive Laser Technical Review July 21, 2004 Evaluate RFI & Technical Review Responses Write Request for Proposal (RFP) Write & Approve Advance Procurement Plan (APP) Drive Laser Evaluation Committee Ranks Proposals Submit RFP to Vendors Selected Vendors Present Proposals To Evaluation & Technical Committees Evaluation Committee Selects Vendor & Awards Contract

Dave Dowell, Sasha GilevichFacilities Advisory Committee October Injector Drive Laser Update UV Pulse Specifications ParameterSystem RequirementOperating Range/ Comments Pulse repetition rate120 HzOperating rates of 1, 10, 30, 60 and 120 Hz Pulse Energy2.5 mJ at 255nmContinuously adjustable from 0.1 to 2.5 mJ Central Wavelength nm nm Pulse-to-pulse energy jitter 2.5 mJ at 255nm (see Fig.2), Less than 2%(rms) variation Pulse timing jitter 2 0.1Hz Temporal pulse shape 3 Uniform, flat top, selected slope on flat-top within 3% of goal, and <8% peak-to-peak over flattop, 1 ps rise and fall at 10% to 90% 10% to +20% slope Pulse length10 ps (fwhm)5 to 20 ps 1. Longer wavelength is acceptable, but requires higher energy due to the reduction in cathode QE 2. Measured with respect to the 119 MHz clock – RF signal 3. The temporal pulse shape is nominally flat but the slope of the pulse must be adjustable from -10% (head 10% higher than the tail) to +20% (head 20% lower than the tail). Some adaptive temporal shaping will be required

Dave Dowell, Sasha GilevichFacilities Advisory Committee October Injector Drive Laser Update UV Pulse Specifications ParameterSystem RequirementOperating Range/ Comments Radial shape 4 Uniform, flat top, <10% peak-to-peak variation within flattop plateau for any single pulse) Centroid Position Stability Less than 3% of the beam radius (1/e 2 level)Measured at the laser output plane Pointing StabilityLess than 25μradMeasured at the laser output plane MTBF 5,6 >5000 hours 4. Spatial Pulse shaping is optional. In case no spatial shaping is done, M2 should be < Regular maintenance every 1000 hours performed either by the vendor or SLAC/LCLS is permitted. 6. The vendor should provide information on the reliability of their laser system based upon customer experience.

Dave Dowell, Sasha GilevichFacilities Advisory Committee October Injector Drive Laser Update Request for Proposal (Details 1) Drive Laser will be a fully purchased and integrated system from the single vendor Optical transport, launch system, and diagnostics to be built by SLAC Integration and Delivery Full Integration and testing at the vendor’s site Installation and check out at SLAC Delivery date approximately one year after the award

Dave Dowell, Sasha GilevichFacilities Advisory Committee October Injector Drive Laser Update Request for Proposal (Details 2) Specifications and Technical Approach MOPA system using CPA scheme Oscillator is synchronized to an external RF source Harmonic Generation Pulse Shaping techniques (Temporal and optional Spatial) with adaptive component determined by the vendor Cryogenic cooling of the power amplifier crystal

Dave Dowell, Sasha GilevichFacilities Advisory Committee October Injector Drive Laser Update Request for Proposal (Details 3) Other System Requirements IR beam for the Laser Heater Remote operation and monitoring Control system compatible with the rest of the LCLS controls (EPICS) Machine protection features Possibilities for upgrade

Dave Dowell, Sasha GilevichFacilities Advisory Committee October Injector Drive Laser Update Request for Proposal (Details 4) Proposal Requirements and Details Development plan for the high risk components Subcontract components are permitted, Integration by the vendor Proposal includes schedule and milestones Includes critical spares list and test schedule Warranties and Service Contracts Preventive Maintenance by the vendor

Dave Dowell, Sasha GilevichFacilities Advisory Committee October Injector Drive Laser Update UV Launch System Spatial ShaperLaunch Grating Telescope lenses Cathode Window Flattener Steering Stabilization Telescope lenses Cathode Window Grating and Trimmer

Dave Dowell, Sasha GilevichFacilities Advisory Committee October Injector Drive Laser Update Launch System Layout

Dave Dowell, Sasha GilevichFacilities Advisory Committee October Injector Drive Laser Update Spatial Beam Shaping Newport Refractive Beam Shaper Two aspheric lenses Input Beam Output Beam

Dave Dowell, Sasha GilevichFacilities Advisory Committee October Injector Drive Laser Update Spatial Profile Flattening of Ultraviolet Laser Pulses with Aspheric Refractive Optics B.F. Murphy, P.R. Bolton, A. Brachmann, J.F. Schmerge x The results of using the IBM refractive aspheric beam shaper at the output of the GTF laser (2psec, 263nm, 500μJ) Input Output

Dave Dowell, Sasha GilevichFacilities Advisory Committee October Injector Drive Laser Update Imaging of the Spatially Shaped Beam Preliminary Optical Design (ZEMAX) Illumination on the Cathode Input of the Beam Shaper

Dave Dowell, Sasha GilevichFacilities Advisory Committee October Injector Drive Laser Update UV Conversion of the Temporally Shaped Pulses THG in BBO (0.2mm) Input Bandwidth 12nm E 400nm =4.4mJ E 800nm =2.2mJ Output Efficiency 26% 266nm Modified SNLO code provided by Arlee Smith (Sandia National Lab)

Dave Dowell, Sasha GilevichFacilities Advisory Committee October Injector Drive Laser Update UV Conversion of the Broadband Temporally Shaped Pulses THG in BBO (0.1mm) Input Bandwidth 12nm E 400nm =4.4mJ E 800nm =2.2mJ Output Efficiency 15% 266nm Modified SNLO code provided by Arlee Smith (Sandia National Lab) 266nm

Dave Dowell, Sasha GilevichFacilities Advisory Committee October Injector Drive Laser Update BNL/SLAC/INFN Laser Pulse Shaping Experiment at BNL/DUVFEL

Dave Dowell, Sasha GilevichFacilities Advisory Committee October Injector Drive Laser Update Dazzler - FastLite Inc. acousto-optic dispersive filter (P. Tournois et al.) acoustic wave (computer programmable) - spectral amplitude - temporal phase TeO 2 crystal Dazzler in DUVFEL Drive Laser Courtesy of Yuzhen Shen, Carlo Vicario, B. Sheehy, XJ Wang

Dave Dowell, Sasha GilevichFacilities Advisory Committee October Injector Drive Laser Update DUVFEL Drive Laser Layout with Dazzler Courtesy of B. Sheehy

Dave Dowell, Sasha GilevichFacilities Advisory Committee October Injector Drive Laser Update Laser Pulse Shaping Without Amplification Courtesy of Yuzhen Shen, Carlo Vicario, B. Sheehy, XJ Wang Before StretcherAfter Stretcher

Dave Dowell, Sasha GilevichFacilities Advisory Committee October Injector Drive Laser Update Preliminary Laser Shaping Results Courtesy of Yuzhen Shen, Carlo Vicario, B. Sheehy, XJ Wang

Dave Dowell, Sasha GilevichFacilities Advisory Committee October Injector Drive Laser Update Specifications for the X-Ray Endstation Lasers ParameterNominal Spec Pulse Length30fs Wavelength800nm Repetition Rate1KHz Pulse Energy1mJ

Dave Dowell, Sasha GilevichFacilities Advisory Committee October Injector Drive Laser Update Summary and Conclusions S20 drive laser facility requirements defined Title II facility design started Drive Laser (DL) Technical Review Committee created 1 st meeting July 21, 2004 RFP written & procurement process established: DL Technical Review Committee (advises) DL Evaluation Committee (selects) DL effort consists of three elements: Vendor supplies DL including shaping & UV conversion LCLS provides launch & conditioning system LCLS performs shaping & UV conversion R&D with other labs (BNL, LLNL…) Preliminary studies indicate difficulty converting shaped pulses Preliminary Specs for X-Ray Endstation Lasers