Science Operations Replan NGAO - Meeting 6 D. Le Mignant W. M. Keck Observatory 04/25/2007
2 Main points The Original Plan for Science Operations Progress Update Comment on the Work What’s next: the replan Priorities in the replan Risk/challenges
3 Observatory Rqts Science Operations Observing Models TS Observing Efficiency Budget System Design Approach System Engineering Science Operations Performance budget Trade Studies 3.4: Science Ops Functional rqts Rationales for Functional and Performance Requirements 100 hours 64 hours 80 hours 670 hours The Original Plan Should be done easily… and in time!!
4 Observatory Rqts Science Operations Science Requirements Observing Scenarios Observing Models TS: KAON 476 Observing Efficiency Budget System Design Approach System Engineering Science Operations Performance budget Trade Studies Rationales for Functional and Performance Requirements Progress Update 3.4: Science Ops Functional Rqts Current LGSAO Operations Assessment Report: KAON 463 Main Drivers & Risk Areas
5 Comments on the Work: The plan for the science operations was not interactive enough among WBS. –Should coordinate with other critically related WBS (e.g., Observing Scenarios) –Many items in the SEMP, but can we deliver the right work? –How much will we be able to iterate on the design? Contributors were not able to commit significant effort and attention –Not aware of the science case, science instrument and the literature on the subject –Contribution at best consisted in comments –Finding compelling reviewers is difficult -> quality of report? The work is more organic than expected. –Observing Scenarios requirements don’t always translate into science operations requirements (e.g., photometry reqts) –Slower work than expected (“less earned value”), but significant progress in building requirements for the science operations. –The cost/benefit analysis is not an objective exercise: there are as many biases as people, and less people could produce a greater risk for bias!
6 Observatory Rqts Science Operations Science Requirements Observing Scenarios Observing Models TS: KAON 476 Observing Efficiency Budget System Design Approach System Engineering Science Operations Performance budget Trade Studies Rationales for Functional and Performance Requirements What’s next: the replan 3.4: Science Ops Functional Rqts Current LGSAO Operations Assessment Report: KAON 463 Main Drivers & Risk Areas ??
7 Priorities in the replan Validate/discuss the Observing Model trade study with Keck directors. –Large cost driver in the long term. More analysis required? Need to complete the Observing Scenarios and provide a version1 for the flow of Science Operations Requirements –Observatory Requirements for Operations Planning operation cost control in the long term Data quality, observing efficiency, science data products? –Science Operations Functional Requirements Simulation tools, Observing tools, PSF reconstruction Is a list of functional requirements enough and should we need more details? Coordination with laser, AO and science instrument functional requirements Document the main drivers for the Observing Efficiency budget Telescope, AO, instrument overheads versus performance and cost
8 Risk / challenges Encounter the same difficulties we have seen so far: –Coordination among WBS, particularly for science operations (AO, laser, Science instrument) –Finding experienced scientists and engineers for reviews/discussion of the documents Difficulty to provide a good estimate for the effort –What is the work quality that needs to be provided: how accurate should the study be? –Not everything deserves the same priority and the same attention: how do we take this into consideration?
9 Science Operations Requirements Mission for the science operations be to: maximize the scientific impact of the TAC allocated observing time with the NGAO instruments from 2012 to Top-level goals from the science requirements: 1.Science-grade quality of the raw data (image quality per science requirements, completeness of observations) 2.Science-grade quality of the data products (photometry, astrometry, PSF knowledge, WCS calibrations) 3.Science impact from a given data product (number of publications and citations) Top-level goals from the observatory: 1.More than 80% of the time allocated is spent on collecting science-quality data. 2.The NGAO combined with its science instruments is facility-class instrument. 3.The Observatory is capable of supporting the equivalent of 240 nights/year for NGAO science operations.