Using Relational Databases and SQL Steven Emory Department of Computer Science California State University, Los Angeles Lecture 6: Midterm Review.


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Presentation transcript:

Using Relational Databases and SQL Steven Emory Department of Computer Science California State University, Los Angeles Lecture 6: Midterm Review

Miscellany Quarter is officially half-over! Lab and Homework #4 Questions? Go over some problems?

Topics for Today Midterm Format and Rules Midterm Tips Midterm Review The Relational Database The Structured Query Language Single-Table Queries Multiple-Table Queries Functions Extra Credit

Midterm Format 10 Problems from HR database Question format (like labs, homeworks)‏ 3 short (no joins)‏ 3 medium (two-table joins + functions)‏ 3 long (three-table joins + functions)‏ 1 extra large (four or more table join + functions)‏

Midterm Rules No laptops (may make exceptions to this)‏ Limited internet (Wiki, CSNS, MySQL site)‏ Printed lecture notes, cheat sheets OK. Don't communicate with anyone Don't search (Google) for solutions that aren't your own

Midterm Tips Cheat sheets!!! Keep a keyword cheat sheet Keep a join cheat sheet Keep a function cheat sheet I wouldn't bother opening the book I wouldn't bother using the internet I wouldn't bother with lecture notes Flipping = waste of time

Midterm Review The Relational Database The Structured Query Language Single-Table Queries Multiple-Table Queries Functions

Extra Credit 30 Points Take-Home Lab #9: Database Design Database design not on final Useful if you missed a lab or a homework Useful if grade is going to be borderline Don't bother with it if you're getting an A

Midterm Sample Problems Want to go over any example problems?