1 Losses in the Cooling Channel Malcolm Ellis PID Meeting 1 st March 2005.
2 Simulation 10 simulations of a matched beam, with very narrow P Z, and transverse emittance from 0.5 – 9.5 mm rad. Beam is started just upstream of the upstream SciFi tracker and simulated through the experiment to the downstream tracker. Simulation of the full MICE (stage VI) cooling channel. Material, field map, etc as described at LBNL meeting.
3 Reference Planes Upstream Tracker Downstream Tracker Cooling Channel 10 reference planes provide Monte Carlo truth information (one for each station). Distributions of radial position of muon in Station 1 (closest to cooling channel) are compared In next slides, upstream is red, downstream is blue.
4 0.5 and 1.5 mm rad
5 2.5 and 3.5 mm rad
6 4.5 and 5.5 mm rad
7 6.5 and 7.5 mm rad
8 8.5 and 9.5 mm rad
9 Transmission Ratio of number of muons in downstream to upstream tracker is compared. Transmission flat at about 99.3% at low emittance, then drops to 90% at 9.5 mm rad.