Yahoo Visit Day Joint Reseach Opportunities Marti Hearst UC Berkeley School of Information
Faceted Metadata in Search InterfacesMarti Hearst: UC Berkeley SIMS Convert Flickr Tags to Facets
Faceted Metadata in Search InterfacesMarti Hearst: UC Berkeley SIMS Facet example: Recipes Course Main Course Cooking Method Stir-fry Cuisine Thai Ingredient Red Bell Pepper Curry Chicken
Faceted Metadata in Search InterfacesMarti Hearst: UC Berkeley SIMS
Faceted Metadata in Search InterfacesMarti Hearst: UC Berkeley SIMS
Faceted Metadata in Search InterfacesMarti Hearst: UC Berkeley SIMS Our Approach Leverage the structure of WordNet Documents WordNet Get hypernym paths Select terms Build tree Compress tree
Faceted Metadata in Search InterfacesMarti Hearst: UC Berkeley SIMS How to Select the Right Senses and Paths? First: build core tree –(1) Create paths for words with only one sense –(2) Use Domains Wordnet has 212 Domains –medicine, mathematics, biology, chemistry, linguistics, soccer, etc. Automatically scan the collection to see which domains apply The user selects which of the suggested domains to use or may add own Paths for terms that match the selected domains are added to the core tree Then: add remaining terms to the core tree.
Faceted Metadata in Search InterfacesMarti Hearst: UC Berkeley SIMS Using Domains dip glosses: Sense 1: A depression in an otherwise level surface Sense 2: The angle that a magnet needle makes with horizon Sense 3: Tasty mixture into which bite-size foods are dipped dip hypernyms Sense 1 Sense 2 Sense 3 solid shape, form food => concave shape => space => ingredient, fixings => depression => angle => flavorer Given domain “food”, choose sense 3